Divx cache not being cleaned

Hi folks, As you are probably aware, when a video is watched via Divx Web Player a file is saved in the Divx Temporary Downloaded Files folder. I added the appropriate lines to the Winapp2 file. Now, the strange thing is that when I run CCleaner the file needed to be deleted is clearly visable in the screen during the clean (so the file has been found) but when it has completed does not show up in the results. Sure enough, if I look in the said folder the file is still there. If I run CCleaner again, (Between 1 and 3 times) the file eventually shows up in results and is deleted. It becomes annoying having to keep running CCleaner until it eventually deletes it. I am using Windows 7 (64-bit) and have CCleaner set to secure wipe with 1 pass. Is there anything I can do that will delete the file first time?

Can you post the lines you added?

Can you post the lines you added?

Hello, Here are the lines:

[DivX Movies Cache]




FileKey1=%userprofile%\My Documents\My Videos\DivX Movies|*.*|RECURSE







I added the above to a notepad file which was renamed Winapp2.ini and placed in the CCleaner program folder as tutorial dictated. Like I said in previous post, the file will delete if I keep running CCleaner enough times but will never first time. It also clearly sees the file as it shows up for about 20 seconds during deletion, which is the time I'd expect as it is performing a secure 1 pass wipe. I was wondering if the file couldn't be deleted first time because it is in use but I would have thought that would only be the case if I had the Divx Web player still running in browser, which it is not.

And I trust you're running windows XP?

And I trust you're running windows XP?

No, Windows 7 (64-bit). Does that have a different entry in Winapp2?

Are you sure those are all the correct entries?

here is what we currently have in winapp2.ini

[DivX Movies Cache*]




FileKey1=%UserProfile%\My Documents\My Videos\DivX Movies|*.*|RECURSE







FileKey2=%UserProfile%\My Videos\DivX Movies|*.*|RECURSE

note the red entries which are different from yours

what do you mean when you say

the file needed to be deleted is clearly visable in the screen during the clean

I assume you are running the latest version of divx from http://www.divx.com/en/software/divx-plus/web-player

From my tests it is INDEED filekey2 that is the reason it is not removing because the files are in C:\Users\{USERNAME}\Videos\DivX Movies\Temporary Downloaded Files

and not in C:\Users\{USERNAME}\My Documents\Videos\DivX Movies

as well, from my testing the \DivXBrowserPlugin reg key does not get made


can you update filekey2 it does not remove the temporary downloaded files folder only the top level files (recurse does not seem to be functioning in it never mind I forgot to close the browsing window which was using the TDF folder :P

Are you sure those are all the correct entries?

here is what we currently have in winapp2.ini

note the red entries which are different from yours

what do you mean when you say

I assume you are running the latest version of divx from http://www.divx.com/en/software/divx-plus/web-player

From my tests it is INDEED filekey2 that is the reason it is not removing because the files are in C:\Users\{USERNAME}\Videos\DivX Movies\Temporary Downloaded Files

and not in C:\Users\{USERNAME}\My Documents\Videos\DivX Movies

as well, from my testing the \DivXBrowserPlugin reg key does not get made


can you update filekey2 it does not remove the temporary downloaded files folder only the top level files (recurse does not seem to be functioning in it never mind I forgot to close the browsing window which was using the TDF folder :P

Hi Nergal, I updated the information in Winapp2.ini to match what you put in your post and still no luck but I think I might know the cause of the problem. I had a theory that it might be the size of the file being deleted. All the files which I have been using CCleaner to delete unsuccessfully have been 600MB+ and I wondered if CCleaner was having a problem deleting them because they were so large. I performed a test by watching a few 3 minute Divx trailers so that the files generated in the Temporary Internet Files folder would only be a few megabytes in size and then cleaned with CCleaner; in every case the files were deleted with no problem at all so I'm guessing it may be down to the size of the file. I'm wondering if other people have had problems cleaning large .part files and if so whether it should be reported as a bug?

The My Videos folder on windows 7 is not located in %UserProfile%\My Documents\My Videos but rather %UserProfile%\My Videos, so updating to the

FileKey2=%UserProfile%\My Videos\DivX Movies|*.*|RECURSE

should resolve the issue, however, if it doesnt try

FileKey2=%UserProfile%\My Videos\DivX Movies\Temporary Downloaded Files|*.*|REMOVESELF

Okay, many thanks Winapp2.ini. I will try it out!

It has previouslty been reported that ccleaner chokes on large files in a recycle bin, so you actually may be on to something

All the files which I have been using CCleaner to delete unsuccessfully have been 600MB+

The My Videos folder on windows 7 is not located in %UserProfile%\My Documents\My Videos but rather %UserProfile%\My Videos, so updating to the

FileKey2=%UserProfile%\My Videos\DivX Movies|*.*|RECURSE

should resolve the issue, however, if it doesnt try

FileKey2=%UserProfile%\My Videos\DivX Movies\Temporary Downloaded Files|*.*|REMOVESELF

I just tested it on a small file and changed the %UserProfile%\My Documents\My Videos to %UserProfile%\My Videos and CCleaner couldn't find the file at all; when I changed back to %UserProfile%\My Documents\My Videos it found it and deleted it no problem, despite the fact that I'm using Windows 7 and My Videos are not located within a My Documents folder! :o

Note that the file deleted was a small MB file which CCleaner doesn't seem to have a problem deleting.

It has previouslty been reported that ccleaner chokes on large files in a recycle bin, so you actually may be on to something

Hi Nergal, I think this must be the problem as it is only large files that CCleaner is having a problem deleting. All my attempts at small file deletion have been successful. Should I report this in the bug thread so the developers can see it or are they already aware of the problem?

I think that would be wise