Sort of. Not related to any sort of defragging, tho. Sometimes WXP sp3 just fails to recognize my 500 gb usb external drive when the computer boots up. When that happens, properties show it to be RAW, it is actually NTFS. When that happens, I have to use the "safely remove" procedure, then unplug the USB and the power cable, wait till it stops, then plug everything back in.
So far it has come back OK every time, but I have it backed up. Back up for the back up.
I too would be interested if anyone knows why that happens. I don't use Defraggler, just the WXP defragger. But I have used it, and also JKDefrag, and those did not cause the problem.
It's not a problem I have experienced until testing defraggler, up until now I have used JkDefrag with no problems. I'm afraid programs that are even suspected of trashing a hard disk are quickly removed from my system (except for XP ). Back to JkDefrag for me with the excellent JkDefragGUI interface. Sorry Piriform, but not up to your usual standard.
I've used CrapCleaner forever and finally downloaded Defraggler 1.07.124 yesterday for my home machine(Vista Home Premium 64). I ran a chkdsk, then a windows defrag, then installed and ran Defraggler overnight.
When I got up this morning, I decided to run it a second time, it came up and said "Analysis failed". Paranoid, I tried to run chkdsk, but, nothing happened. I dropped to a comand prompt and tried a chkdsk /f and get this:
The type of the file system is RAW.
Cannot lock current drive.
CHKDSK is not available for RAW drives.
I pretty sure if I reboot my machine right now, I'm toast.
Right now I'm desperately trying to find any fix online for this problem.
Do the developers watch this forum at all? What the hell did your software do to my drive? This is completely unacceptable.
I'm unbelievably angry at this point. I've been using another computer and downloading drive testing utilities left and right trying to recover the drive. Testdisk had some limited results in being able to see things, but it hasn't been able to make it bootable again, keeps going into the gateway recovery mode from the other partition. Anyone have any other suggestions?
Using TestDisk's deeper search mode, I made each one of the found partitions set as bootable one at a time and used my Vista disk in repair mode. On the third partition I tried, the Vista disk found it and ran a repair on it and made it bootable. I ran a chkdsk and it fixed some errors, then needed to run sfc /SCANNOW to put everything back right. But I'm back up and running. Just in case anyone else has the same issue.
We are confident that these issues could not have been caused by Defraggler, but yes we do take them seriously and read every post in this forum. Can you analyse the drive with Defraggler in debug mode and PM me with the results.
I am just wondering how you can be so sure that these issues cannot be caused by Defraggler. Call me paranoid, but is there something you are not telling us ?
We are confident that these issues could not have been caused by Defraggler, but yes we do take them seriously and read every post in this forum. Can you analyse the drive with Defraggler in debug mode and PM me with the results.
I am just wondering how you can be so sure that these issues cannot be caused by Defraggler. Call me paranoid, but is there something you are not telling us ?
I'm assuming that comment was based on the fact that he knows how the program works and what it is actually doing...
I am not sure of NXTwoThou's issue, as it sounds a bit bizarre and could have been the result of anything from malware / virus infection, to some form of incompatibility, or an issue with Windows XP. Yours however I have experienced and it was well before I even tried Defraggler. XP's Plug and Play for USB devices is well known to have issues, and if it doesn't get disconnected properly, or there's a hickup in Windows, it will not be recognized at the next connection. In addition, the data Windows gives you in this situation can be anything but accurate as well...
I've had this problem 3 times before and long before I used Defraggler (since I've only just started using it). Every time was just after using Chkdsk and every time under XP. I have been warned NEVER to use the /f switch with it because it's downright dangerous unless reformatting your drive was an intention anyway. I never use it at all now, Partition Magic has a much better version that's more intuitive. XP did have a problem initially with drive management messing up the partition tables, it wouldn't surprise me if M$ have still not fully fixed this problem.
I have just used Defraggler on my 149gb C drive under Vista Home but have yet to reboot. I use 3 other drives for data so killing the C drive doesn't worry me, it's probably the best drive to test on for me. Also, I'm dumping Vista soon, since it's slow and pretty useless, overweight piece of crap as far as I'm concerned. Going back to XP so it would be no great loss if I had to do it slightly sooner than planned.
I have a laptop so I'll let you know what happens when I reboot. I really don't forsee any problems right now, other disk checkers built into Partition Magic have reported nothing unusual and certainly no raw partitions. Defragging free space right now so it will be probably an hour or so before I reboot, that's something I wanted to add to a wishlist, the ability to defrag free space at the same time as a file defrag.
Edit: Returned from a reboot with no problems. My system is running marginallly faster and has no corruption of any files.