disk analizer

can any one please tell me how does the disk analyzer work? does it delete items? if yes please tell me how as i do not see a delete button anywhere.

After analysis is complete, to delete all of the items listed click on Run Cleaner in lower right corner.

You may also delete items individually — right-click an item and clean.

can any one please tell me how does the disk analyzer work?

If you click the Analyze button, it will list what can be cleaned. (it shows the list with the words "Note: No files have been deleted yet")

Click the Run Cleaner button, and your PC will be cleaned, based on that list.

Just in case pcfa1999 is asking for info on the new feature, see here


can any one please tell me how does the disk analyzer work? does it delete items? if yes please tell me how as i do not see a delete button anywhere.

Some or all files can be selected. There is no visible button or option to process the files, and the only available option to do so is to right-click to use the context menu.

Thanks hazelnut and dvdbane for the heads up.

V5 is so diff from v4 I’ll suspend aid until installing it after the paint dries. :)

hmmm, looks like I'm in the same boat.

apologies to @pcfa1999 for my 'bull by the horns' post.