Disc Defrag apps.

I am looking at two specifically. Auslogics and JK Defrag. I'm a little cautions about defrag programs though. Seems installing these cam mess up the Windows built in defrager if you try and uninstall the third party defrager. I read this http://www.andreasroom.com/blog/archive/20.../18/defrag.aspx

and it has me a little nervous. I don't know if it's 3rd party programs that replace the Windows defrager that cause the problems or others as well. Any body have any problems from the two programs I mentioned?

Well auslogics says on their site that they actually use the windows defragger, they just speed it up a lot.(like 100000000% faster)

JKDefrag is liked by a few people here, I tried it and didn't think it was anything wonderfull, but its a good program.

Honestly defragging isn't something that needs to be done too often. You will see people that do it once a day, once a week, or once a month.

I haven't noticed any speed difference from doing it once a day and doing it once every 6 months. It just doesn't really speed stuff up that much.

To wrap up my rant I vote Auslogics, its got a nice easy interface(you just press next) and really fast.

We've had a gazillion threads on defraggers lately so I'll just make a quick list. Auslogics Defrag (as mentioned above), JkDefrag, O&O Defrag 2000, Sysinternals Contig, and Sysinternals PageDefrag (for paging files etc).

We've had a gazillion threads on defraggers lately

Very true, these things tend to go in cycles though.

This month its defraggers, next month it will be cd/dvd burning programs. :P

There was recent topic about jkdefrag I think that had some pretty good posts. Look that one up. :P

Well auslogics says on their site that they actually use the windows defragger

So does JKDefrag and that would certainly be the one I'd recommend.

So does JKDefrag

Cool, I didn't know that. :)

We've had a gazillion threads on defraggers lately so I'll just make a quick list. Auslogics Defrag (as mentioned above), JkDefrag, O&O Defrag 2000, Sysinternals Contig, and Sysinternals PageDefrag (for paging files etc).

I know what ones are out there. After much reviewing I have narrowed it down to the two I mentioned. I just want to know if any body has experienced any problems with those two similar to the problems that are discussed in the link I provided.

Most Windows defraggers use the standard Windows API.

No, both of the programs you mentioned are safe to use. :)

Just pick the one you like better and fits your needs. Try them both. :P

I know what ones are out there. After much reviewing I have narrowed it down to the two I mentioned. I just want to know if any body has experienced any problems with those two similar to the problems that are discussed in the link I provided.

Since both programs have been discussed in-depth recently, you should be able to find what you're looking for by searching.

Personally, I use both and run them often. JkDefrag has the advantage of going beyond defragging by "optimizing" the disk, but Auslogics is definitely faster. My experience has been completely positive with no problems whatsoever. B)

All defraggers use the Microsoft's defragmentation API. They need that to work in Windows.

The problems that are discussed in the link that Anthony A provided comes out with Diskeeper'installation. When Diskeeper is installed the standard Windows defragger is replaced by Diskeeper. And related annoyances can arise when Diskeeper is uninstalled.

I use JKDefrag & Auslogics, but not too often. I have noticed a difference in the speed Windows Explorer loads and displays stuff after using JKDefrag, and I read that it optimizes the hard drive by putting all the folders first in line for quicker access.

JKDefrag takes longer, but appears to do a more thorough job.

I usually use Auslogics first because it "sounds" as if it`s easier on the drive, and then polish it up with JKDefrag, which then in turn doesn`t take as much time as it would normally.

This method might all be a crock of s**t, but it works for me. :)

Most Windows defraggers use the standard Windows API.

Which has drawn me to the conclusion of not even installing a third-party defrag application anymore, especially those without the ability to be controlled via a command prompt or via batch files. I prefer to soley defrag via batch files that can either just defrag and return to the desktop or restart the computer, or shutdown the computer and for me WinXP's built in defrag does everything I need.

Although with that said I do use Microsoft Sysinternals Contig on my backups just before they're automatically burned to CD-RW with CommandBurner - gotta love batch file automation!

Installed Auslogics to try out. Finished the defragging of a 230+ GB disk in 2 minutes :blink: Hmm, got to wonder how thorough this is. The disk was recently defragged with the built in Windows defragger about a month ago. The report at the end of the Auslogics defragging said that there would be an increase of 1% in disk performance. Obviously this disk was already in good shape before the defrag. Still that is fast. Super easy interface. Three clicks, desktop short cut and next button, and you are defragging.

IMHO Perfect Disk 7 is the best defragger ever!

I disagree, DiskTrix UltimateDefrag has been nothing less than stellar for me. I even bought it (usually I'd just go with freeware, but this program is ridiculously amazing).

IMHO Perfect Disk 7 is the best defragger ever!

Is that a freeware program Humpty?

I ask because I had a look at the home page earlier, and Perfect Disk 8 is now available, but not free.


I am going to try the JKDefrag. How do you install the GUI? Unzip it to the same folder as JKDefrag?

I am going to try the JKDefrag. How do you install the GUI? Unzip it to the same folder as JKDefrag?

If you download the first GUI that is listed on Kessel's site, it will come with the GUI app as well as JkDefrag itself with all necessary files. So just unzip it all in one folder.

If you download the first GUI that is listed on Kessel's site, it will come with the GUI app as well as JkDefrag itself with all necessary files. So just unzip it all in one folder.

Is this the one you are referring to? This is the one I like.
