Disabling "Enable Active Monitoring" says this ensures ccleaner is up to date, but what about the auto update check in Settings?

When disabling "Enable Active Monitoring" it says this ensures ccleaner up to date, so does that mean it nullifies the "Automatically check for updates to CCleaner" on the settings tab? Or does that mean that my CCleaner will not automatically install future updates in the background?

I'm new to the Monitoring settings, but seems like it's worded oddly which led to my question.

Some info on monitoring is now in the documentation.


I will try to get a definite answer on your updates question.

Thanks. I'm sure the other options still works as it has in the past (I hope), but just seems like the wording of that warning might need to be changed a bit.

Thanks. I'm sure the other options still works as it has in the past (I hope), but just seems like the wording of that warning might need to be changed a bit.

That's my thought on it too it's a bit confusing as to why the other setting still exists (in both free and professional versions) if that's truly what "keeps it updated" means

I personally wonder if it doesn't mean keeps the items to be cleaned list updating as files are created so the auto clean is faster as it doesn't have to work to enumerate files to clean (do an analyze) before removing them.

You know, that's a possibility I didn't even think of. and if that's it, the wording is even worse than I thought haha.

When disabling "Enable Active Monitoring" it says this ensures ccleaner up to date, so does that mean it nullifies the "Automatically check for updates to CCleaner" on the settings tab? Or does that mean that my CCleaner will not automatically install future updates in the background?

I'm new to the Monitoring settings, but seems like it's worded oddly which led to my question.

Hi rjo98

I have been told that the 'Automatically check for updates to CCleaner' setting will work, however the frequency it checks for updates is much less.

Hi rjo98

I have been told that the 'Automatically check for updates to CCleaner' setting will work, however the frequency it checks for updates is much less.

lol...then what about active monitoring?

everyday?every hour?

and i do hope we can change this..if we set to 2gb,how pc usage in 8 hours can get 2gb of temp files?

or even if we set to 0.5gb, with browser monitoring, this will be redundant

By default, CCleaner will check your PC every 8 hours and take action if cleaning will save more than 0.5GB of hard drive space.

or even if we set to 0.5gb, with browser monitoring, this will be redundant

If someone is looking at videos online that would be an easy amount to achieve, however allot of people also have their browsers automatically delete the cache upon closing.

If someone is looking at videos online that would be an easy amount to achieve, however allot of people also have their browsers automatically delete the cache upon closing.

that why i'm saying with browser monitoring, system monitoring will be redundant...no other way to make a 1gb of temp from normal usage

the frequency of checking every 8 hours for me is too quick

i hope we can have the option to change the frequency