DirectSound output v2.43 error

Bad DirectSound drive. Please install proper drivers or select another device in configuration.

Error code: 88780078

i tried playing a video through winamp and all the sudden i get this error message. i never even changed anything on my PC!

tried reinstalling winamp, didn't work. reinstalled sound drivers, didn't work. idk what else to do. plz help!


i had this same problem.

someone on this site told me a solution, cant remember who.

they said, go to services (start, run, services.msc), find windows audio and make sure its set to automatic.

then click start.

if it wasnt started, thats your problem.


EDIT: found the thread for other alternate fixes if this doesnt work.;hl=DirectSound

(credits to JohnDemolition for the fix.)

if starting the service doesn't work, then kernel streaming is the way to go