Digital Forensics & Ccleaner

I just read this article regarding Digital Forensics:,0,4731359.story

Its pretty darn scary! I dont want anyone ever accessing my computer information and I use Ccleaner with the wipe free space ON for that reason. Is there a chance some creep in forensics can access files and their contents even after using the Guteman erase menthod AND Free Space wiper? Are there steps I can take to make deleted files 100% non-recoverable?

Thanks :)

Secure deletion 1 pass will cover you. jSSUf.jpg

Note that Wipe Free Space is only needed if you're going to sell off your computer. Constantly using it can stress the hard disk into earlier than expected failure! Just read about the forums to find other topics discussing this.

Oh man! :o I dont want hard drive crapping out on me for a very long time! I appreciate the heads up.