Difficult time burning Music CD's.

Recently I am having difficulty burning Music CD's. I am using Memorex Music CD-R Cd's and I've only gotten one CD to complete and burn completely (with many wasted CD's).

I've tried using CD Burner XP and BurnAware, but both seem to do the same thing. It's taking an insanely long amount of time to burn one track rather than burn the whole CD, or th burning process just sits there and does nothing. The odd thing is that I am able to burn Data DVD's without a problem, whatsoever.

I've tried trying to update the driver Via Windows XP, but says there's nothing new. Also,

The Driver Name is : nec dvd rw nd-3520a

I've tried disabling the firewall, and all avast! services that I had running, but it seems to have no effect, either. Has anyone had this same problem, and did you fix this problem?

Thanks in advance.

need info like CPU & Ram [ may be spyware or spyware scaner useing all your CPU & RAM up have a look in task manger cut down burn speed try 10x may be do a test on CD-ReWritable just as a test,nec go to them & Check for update see if they have info on this.

AMD Duron I have 1300 CPU & 250 MB Ram work with nero 5.5 ok but better with 512 MB

VIA Intel Celeron 4 CPU 2400 MHz 2000 MB Ram loot better can burn at 52x

"...burn speed try 10x may be do a test..."

I had it down to 4X and it did the same thing. I hardly do anything else whilst I was doing the burn: I ran on minimum and reduced all tasks that would be running or taking up CPU. I also do Spyware Scans reguarly, and I never have anything (except for the common cookies which I get rid of in a hurry).

As for the burn software, I already checked for the newest versions, and I also checked for the newest firmware driver updates for my burner, and I had the latest updates.

RAM: 256 - I expect slowness, but not to the point of just stopping.

CPU: AMD Duron - I hear this type of CPU is lower than Pentium 4.

RAM: 256 - I expect slowness, but not to the point of just stopping.
XP needs at least 512MB RAM to work efficiently.

RAM is real cheap right now so check what you need at:


CPU: AMD Duron - I hear this type of CPU is lower than Pentium 4.
What speed in GHZ is it rated?
XP needs at least 512MB RAM to work efficiently.

RAM is real cheap right now so check what you need at:


What speed in GHZ is it rated?

I've been getting by with 256 for the longest time without many problems. CPU: 1.60 Ghz.

Yes, the system specs for my pc are low, but I did not have any problems burning music CD's in the past. I used Windows Media Player to burn my music, last night, and it worked properly.

Your drive may have reverted from DMA (Direct Access Memory) to PIO (Programmed Input/Output).

I had a similar problem, and uninstalling and reinstalling the Secondary IDE Controllers fixed it.

To do that, open Device Manager as follows. Right-click on My Computer, select Properties, click on the Hardware tag, click on the Device Manager button, click on the plus sign to the left of IDE ATA/ATAPI Controller, right-click on Secondary IDE Channels, click on Uninstall. Deactivating is not enough.

Reboot to make the changes active and permanent.

After booting Windows will automatically reinstall the IDE channel and the DVD (or CD) drive.

Link: (Way down the page, "Alternative Method-Uninstalling The Port".)

I had three Secondary IDE Controllers which all said DMA was activated, but it wasn't the case. I uninstalled them anyway, rebooted, and my slow running, coaster making, and crackling on playback, drive was fixed.

I can't say if this will definitely cure your problem, but it's definitely worth a try.

I tried what you suggest, but it did not solve the burning problem. On the other hand, it solved another problem I've been having. I have CD drives: one that burns and the other that reads only. Your suggestion fixed the problem I was having with the reading CD drive: the drive would lock up my computer every time I tried to read a CD in that tray.

I am starting to think that the burn software is at fault. I mean, I've been able to burn with Windows Media Player without a problem, but when I tried burning software (like BurnAware and CD Burner XP) it's like the program sucked up all system resources, and just sat there. I know burning music CD's can take a long time, but it shouldn't just sit there more than 5 minutes to burn a track that is like 2 minutes long.

I tried what you suggest, but it did not solve the burning problem. On the other hand, it solved another problem I've been having. I have CD drives: one that burns and the other that reads only. Your suggestion fixed the problem I was having with the reading CD drive: the drive would lock up my computer every time I tried to read a CD in that tray.

I am starting to think that the burn software is at fault. I mean, I've been able to burn with Windows Media Player without a problem, but when I tried burning software (like BurnAware and CD Burner XP) it's like the program sucked up all system resources, and just sat there. I know burning music CD's can take a long time, but it shouldn't just sit there more than 5 minutes to burn a track that is like 2 minutes long.

now you tell me you got 2 drives did you read the help in the help it say in nero, best to burn save & then burn to disk dont for get only 256 MB ram 2 at same time may be over load,all so like info CPU ? Spyware scaner Antivirus PC Player's name's Please.

I tried what you suggest, but it did not solve the burning problem. On the other hand, it solved another problem I've been having. I have CD drives: one that burns and the other that reads only. Your suggestion fixed the problem I was having with the reading CD drive: the drive would lock up my computer every time I tried to read a CD in that tray.

I am starting to think that the burn software is at fault. I mean, I've been able to burn with Windows Media Player without a problem, but when I tried burning software (like BurnAware and CD Burner XP) it's like the program sucked up all system resources, and just sat there. I know burning music CD's can take a long time, but it shouldn't just sit there more than 5 minutes to burn a track that is like 2 minutes long.

I now burn most of my stuff (usually DVD Video TS Folders) with Ashampoo Burning Studio 6 (Free).

I recently tried BurnAware, which was a Giveaway Of The Day. Burning my usual stuff with this application maxed out my CPU. 98-100% constant.

Ashampoo uses about 10-12% of CPU resource doing exactly the same thing. I would definitely try something else. BurnAware has been consigned to the Great Recycle Bin in the sky.

For CD's, I always use Burrrn.

I can't remember the last time I had a failed burn.

Hope this helps.

If they're new Memorex CD-R's good luck because to my knowledge they're made by CMC which produces some horrible quality media.

Some big name off the shelf brands that still produce their own media are:

* Sony

* Verbatim

To get known good quality discs search online for Taiyo Yuden discs manufactured in Japan.


Don't buy discs that say they're made in Taiwan, hence most of them are manufactured by CMC.

Thank you guys for the info. I will stay away from Taiwanese CD-R/CD-RW, Andavari.

I will try ashampoo and get back to you, Dennis.

EDIT: Ashampoo was flawless. Thank you for suggesting this burn software.

Again, everyone, thank you for your help. :)

In response to Hotdoge

I am not sure what you're asking. I think Andavari addressed the issue why the computer I was running would lock up: the burning software I was using sucked up more CPU. The CPU may have an impact on what I can burn, but I never had problems burning Data DVD's with this same RAM amount.

"...256 MB ram 2 at same time may be over load,all so like info CPU... "

Also, telling you I have two drives (at least I think) was irrelevant to the problem; the problem is that I was not able to burn. Also, the guy who put my computer together isn't a novice: he knows what he's doing. Having two disk drives will not overload the CPU so long as I am not trying to run them at the same time, nor is there any evidence to support that having two CD drives will cause an overload.

Of all the burning type apps I've used Ashampoo Burning Studio is the one I like the best.

I've not had a failure yet.

It just works for me each time. You cannot have better than that.

If they're new Memorex CD-R's good luck because to my knowledge they're made by CMC which produces some horrible quality media.

Some big name off the shelf brands that still produce their own media are:

* Sony

* Verbatim

To get known good quality discs search online for Taiyo Yuden discs manufactured in Japan.


Don't buy discs that say they're made in Taiwan, hence most of them are manufactured by CMC.

If CMC is the same company I think it is, it also is the largest manufacturer of AK-47s in the world.

:) davey

Thank you guys for the info. I will stay away from Taiwanese CD-R/CD-RW, Andavari.

I will try ashampoo and get back to you, Dennis.

EDIT: Ashampoo was flawless. Thank you for suggesting this burn software.

Again, everyone, thank you for your help. :)

In response to Hotdoge

I am not sure what you're asking. I think Andavari addressed the issue why the computer I was running would lock up: the burning software I was using sucked up more CPU. The CPU may have an impact on what I can burn, but I never had problems burning Data DVD's with this same RAM amount.

"...256 MB ram 2 at same time may be over load,all so like info CPU... "

Also, telling you I have two drives (at least I think) was irrelevant to the problem; the problem is that I was not able to burn. Also, the guy who put my computer together isn't a novice: he knows what he's doing. Having two disk drives will not overload the CPU so long as I am not trying to run them at the same time, nor is there any evidence to support that having two CD drives will cause an overload.

so you not burn 2 at same time like read one burn to # 2 at same time you can do it if good set up. still you ok now & good cd will help.

so you not burn 2 at same time like read one burn to # 2 at same time you can do it if good set up. still you ok now & good cd will help.

I don't use both CD drives at the same time. Only one drive can read and burn while the other one just reads.

Indeed, a good cd will help. Andavari gave good advance when it came to what kind of CD I should avoid.

Pleased you got your drives sorted. It's a real pain when things get screwed up.

Thought I'd mention, as I think hotdog means, that you can read a CD with one drive, and copy and burn at the same time to your other drive.

That's one of the features I like about Ashampoo. If you want to back-up a CD, Ashampoo can copy it "on the fly".

Straight from one drive to the other, cutting out the middleman so to speak. Much quicker than having to rip the CD first. Assuming of course that you don't actually want the CD on your hard drive.

And if you already know this, just ignore this post. :D

"Thought I'd mention, as I think hotdog means, that you can read a CD with one drive, and copy and burn at the same time to your other drive."

I see... I probably could do that, but I wouldn't because it's nearly pointless (to me) to do so.

That's one of the features I like about Ashampoo. If you want to back-up a CD, Ashampoo can copy it "on the fly".

The problem with that before inventions like BurnProof, etc., was dealing with buffer underruns, actually getting a CD to burn without a buffer underrun back then was a hit and miss play with chance. I still don't do that myself although I think my system is fast enough for it, and if a disc has a read error you won't know about it until everything grinds to a halt. I instead copy to an ISO CD/DVD image, then burn from the hard disk.

I've burned just about every CD I've done to play in the car that way, and that's a lot of CD's.

I shouldn't chance my arm saying this (sods law), but I've never had a failure yet, and it is so easy and convenient to copy on the fly if you don't want the CD on your computer.

I'll keep my fingers crossed now.

Some Taiyo Yuden disc.
