Different installers for diffrent OSs?

I just finished helping a friend install and use the free version of Recuva, talking her through it over the phone.

We both downloaded from the same link (piriform.com). She is using Vista and I'm using XP. Didin't expect any surprises.

So we run the installers together.

Mine goes from choosing English to the Install button.

Her's has additional options to install Chrome etc.

That can't be right. We both have the same installer.

Back to the site and again download from the same link.

She end's up with additonal steps asking if she want Chrome installed.

So what's going on here?

Is it because she has Vista and I have XP?

Not a big deal, but it's making me crazy!'


Maybe you were not offered Chrome cos you previously declined it.

If you wish to avoid the Chrome option download the slim build.

Not sure if that applies here, because I have never been offered Chrome by any other application or installer I've used as far as I can recall. But it's a good thought.

do you already have chrome installed?