Didn't delete MRU list for Quicktime

Just started using the program recently. I have it configured under the applications tab for the cleaner settings to clean the "quicktime player." But when I ran the analysis, it didn't find the mru list for quicktime and didn't clean it when I ran the cleaner. Am I missing something, or is this just a bug?

When CCleaner cleans registry entries outside of the specific registry cleaner they are not listed in the to clean list. I think you will find if you open a file in quicktime close it then run CCleaner then run quicktime again the history of the previous file you opened should be gone.

Englishmen--I'm sorry, but I don't understand what you are saying in your first sentence. Regarding your second sentence, this is exactly the problem that I am referring to. The history of the file should be gone from the "open recent" list, but it is not.

Thanks for replying.

In CCleaner you will see there is a cleaner & issues button on the right the issues button cleans the system registry. The cleaner button will scan for junk files but also clean the specific registry entries of a specific app i.e. quicktime mru list etc but when CCleaner cleans a specific registry entry to a program it does not list it(Ask mrG why its he's app :D ). If you are saying the history of a previously opened file still is listed in quicktime after you have cleaned it that is odd. There could be one cause if you are using the latest quicktime 7 apple may have changed the address slightly of the registry files there for CCleaner will not pick it up.

Englishmen--thanks for replying again and explaining your previous post. Yes, it is the case both 1) that the quicktime mru list does not show up when I analyze and also 2) that CCleaner is not cleaning out this list in quicktime itself. I guess, as you say, it may just be a problem with an updated version of quicktime that CCleaner is not configured to deal with (I'm using version 6.5.2).

When I said there maybe a problem with the version you are using I was thinking you may be using the very latest version 7 of quicktime which CCleaner is not yet configured to clean. But as you say you are using 6.5.2 then it should be working.

There's the possibility that the settings are stored and/or duplicated elsewhere, I've seen this happen on my system for no apparent reason, and don't know why it happens.

I do however know after dealing with it using EAC that the settings original location had no effect whatsoever, I could delete them, and edit them and nothing would take place because the settings were no longer being read from the original location.

For example (I've seen this on my system):

An app may store its settings normally/originally in


and then out of nowhere the settings are auto-magically moved into


I appreciate all of the replies very much, but I still would like to know if there is something that I can do about this problem, or not? If there is something that I can do about it, can someone give me a relatively non-technical answer about how to fix it? Thanks again.

In response to Andavari post. bdr122 could you do the following open your start and open run a menu a box will open type "regedit" (without the quotes) registry editor should then open press "HKEY_USERS", there should then be a long number smiler to "S-1-5-21-1801674531-630328440-725345543-1001" open that. Then open "software" could you then see if there is a "Apple Computer, Inc." entry close to the top of the list.

No, the only Apple Computer, Inc. entry is under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software. After searching the registry, it appears that this is also the only place that their is a "Recent Movies" folder for QuickTime.

I don't know if these assumptions are correct or not, however about the only other things I can even think of are:

* Insufficient provileges on your user profile that restrict the editing of the system registry.

* QuickTime is running when you are attempting to clean the Recent Movies entries.

Andavari--neither of those suggestions apply in this case. Anyway, thanks to both of you for all the suggestions.