Ok, I'm new and this is my first post. I'ts also my first time using CCleaner. I used the "Scan for Issues' tab, and then clicked "fix selected issues" (with ALL issues selected). There were many dll files that were removed when this happened - I didn't even read half of what it was removing.
In any event, here is my prob: After running the fix issues, I rebooted my laptop (or tried to), and I got an error message: SMART Failure Predicted on Hard disk. WARNING: Immediately back up your data and replace your hard disk drive.
Here is the real problem...I've done this now on 2 separate laptops - and they are pretty new machines as well. To make matters worse, they belong to my work. There is no way that the disk drives can be bad on both these machines - something had to happen when I performed the "fix issues" function.
Any thoughts or advice (other than looking for a new job, or buying new hard drives??)
By the way, yes, I am a computer novice...If you couldn't tell that already...
Ok, the big question, when you fixed all issues, did Ccleaner prompt you to back them up? And did you? If so, the fixes will be backed up somewhere in the Ccleaner program files folder. If not....hopefully someone who knows more than me can help.
If, as Tarq57 hopes, you did an issues back up when prompted, it goes by default to"my documents". Select merge when you click on it.
System restore?
Did you have something on those computers that made you want to take such action?
Tarq57 / hazelnut: thanks for the replies. No, there was nothing adverse on my computer. I mistakenly thought I would be getting rid of "unused" files and make my system faster. Worse yet, I did not do the back-up. I really shouldn't have messed with the fix issues function.
At this point, I can't even boot up. I suppose I need to get the restore disks and start from scratch...?
Tarq57 / hazelnut: thanks for the replies. No, there was nothing adverse on my computer. I mistakenly thought I would be getting rid of "unused" files and make my system faster. Worse yet, I did not do the back-up. I really shouldn't have messed with the fix issues function.
At this point, I can't even boot up. I suppose I need to get the restore disks and start from scratch...?
Surely someone in your office can show you how to do a system restore. That basically puts your system registry 'back where it was' at a given point in time - before you ran CCleaner. Good luck. Everything should be OK. Please come back here and let us know how it goes. thanks.. ;-)
Well, not any start up files, BUT~~~I lost my Outlook express email!!!! I did back the scan up, I will try restoring it. Luckily, I have Comcast as my server, so I can log on there and get mt email. I just prefere Outlook!
Hello Lamb888 sorry to read about your problem (by the way you don't need to shout in big letters!)
Your problem is not a common one to ccleaner users and can sometimes means some settings on your computer were not as they should be, had you recently changed user accounts perhaps?
Glad to hear you made a back up when you did the issues scan.
here is a ccleaner guide in case you haven't seen it yet.
Hello Lamb888 sorry to read about your problem (by the way you don't need to shout in big letters!)
Your problem is not a common one to ccleaner users and can sometimes means some settings on your computer were not as they should be, had you recently changed user accounts perhaps?
Glad to hear you made a back up when you did the issues scan.
here is a ccleaner guide in case you haven't seen it yet.
In any event, here is my prob: After running the fix issues, I rebooted my laptop (or tried to), and I got an error message: SMART Failure Predicted on Hard disk. WARNING: Immediately back up your data and replace your hard disk drive.
Usually this means that the hard drive is going. However, you indicated that these laptops are new. You can turn off the SMART feature in the BIOS and see if the error returns. I don't understand how software and produce this error. This is a hardware error. That message your getting is from the SMART electronics on the hard drive. The hard drive is failing and some diagnostic are out of the designed threshold. Did someone drop the laptop?