
I downloaded Dial-a-fix last night and it seems like a geat little program. Thank you to all fwho gave me this recommendation.

I just have a few questions to help enable me to get the most out of Dial-a-fix (keeping in mind that my PC is working well):

(1) I have version, is this the latest version?

(2) In reference to the "Flush Software Distribution" button, is it a good idea to flush all?

(3) Under Tools, is there anything on the list that you recommend that I execute (keeping in mind I don't seem to be having any problems)?

(4) Having said that I have no problems, I do have 1 tiny problem but its not a bother so I forgot about it. I play poker online and on just one poker site when I open the program, pop-up appears that tells me there was a script error on the page. No matter how I respond (click "yes" to continue running the script or "no" to not continue, the pop-up disappears and the poker site program runs fine (so like I said, it's not a real bother). Is there an easy fix for this? I only expereince this pop-up message with this one site and I never used to have this problem on that site.

Thank you for your time!

1) I have version, is this the latest version?
That's the latest.

(2) In reference to the "Flush Software Distribution" button, is it a good idea to flush all?
I do this before Update Tuesday to insure I get all of the latest Updates when they arrive.

(3) Under Tools, is there anything on the list that you recommend that I execute (keeping in mind I don't seem to be having any problems)?
I hardly ever use the Tools but I insure that the Policies... are clear.

4) Having said that I have no problems, I do have 1 tiny problem but its not a bother so I forgot about it. I play poker online and on just one poker site when I open the program, pop-up appears that tells me there was a script error on the page.
Its just poor site programming and I see it a lot and just ignore it.

I click the double green check mark with no browsers open then let it do its stuff then reboot.

I hardly ever use the Tools but I insure that the Policies... are clear.

I went into tools and I can't see "Policies". Am I missing somethhing?

I went into tools and I can't see "Policies". Am I missing somethhing?

Yep, your reading glasses. :blink::lol:

At the bottom, fourth button from the left. It says "Policies". B)

EDIT: Forgot to mention, Dial-a-fix is something you hope just lays there never needing to be used, but it's a cracking tool to have ready at your disposal, that can fix a myriad of problems.

Yep, your reading glasses. :blink::lol:


At the bottom, fourth button from the left. It says "Policies". B)

ahhh, there it is...I was looking under the Tools area. Well, clicked on Policies and I have zero Restrictive Policies....YAY!

EDIT: Forgot to mention, Dial-a-fix is something you hope just lays there never needing to be used, but it's a cracking tool to have ready at your disposal, that can fix a myriad of problems.

Yes, razz as Dennis so importantly points out Dial-a-fix is not recommended as far as applying everything as you can lose some settings that you want to keep.

You "may" need everything if your PC is really fouled up.

Most times you use a specific fix for a specific problem.

Don't want users to think that it is "normal" to run Dial-a-fix as a scheduled event or something. :o

It is a 'serious" program.

Thank you, mcooke@DjLizard.net for creating a program that saves us so much time, money, and effort.

:) davey