I got the same problem too and may I ask can I delete DFoptimize.bin files? I got only 4mb space left because of those files
i wonderwhyno onewas able tomakea statement. ipersonallyhadno such casewhen usingDefraggler but i dont use defrag free space andI seem toremember havingread somethingalreadyinour forumrelated with "defrag freespace" and this *.bin -files created from defraggler... butI dont remembertheforumtitle...
I know it's an old post but I figure I will chime in as I just had similar problem and found a solution.
I ran Defraggler on my SSD which had around 150 GBS free space. I set it to 'Optimize' and progress reached 74% and computer froze but on the screen I noticed that I had 19GB free space - which I understood it was going to happen during this process. After hard reboot I still had only 19 GBs of free space and over 100 of DFOptimize_xx.bin files on the root of my C drive. I tried different things I found online including this thread but free space didn't increase. So I started deleting them few at the time after I backed them up to another drive. After delete I rebooted and emptied trash. Repeated process few more times and all seemed to be working fine. So I just deleted all those files, emptied trash and reboot. All is still fine. So in a nutshell I could just delete all those files manually without a problem. When you delete it prompts saying that you need administrative permission to delete. so you confirm and done.
I'm defragging an external ssd drive and it takes days and days to do this i have another ssd external drive it takes an hour or 2 same company made the disks although one is 4tb and the other is 1tb
I was defragging my HD and the computer simply froze. After a couple of hard boots I finally found out a had suddnly run out of space in my drive. I had 465 DF_Optimizer#.bin files. I'm copying them to an external drive to delete them safely, and I'll never user defrag again!!