Destroy internet history and PC dates?

Hello MODs, webmasters etc.,

I want to ask you, if CCleaner could destroy (realy destroy) internet history, that i visited in Firefox. How to do it?

- ll - , if CCleaner could remove the date (time) when my PC was turned on/off. How to do it?....

Can i chose, what do i want to clear (i have already cleared history by CCleaner (35paase -Gutman) but someone can still see where i was :-( ) - so, I beg you, can you tell me something, what can help me to remove it

And i saw an "advanced" in CCleaner, and red some words i donť know :D, please, can someone describe which is for what?

I realy need to remove some of webs, i have visited, and dates of turning my PC ON/OFF.

thank you for answer. Gludion

Hi Gludion,

CCleaner is intended to delete temporary or work files, etc, so it is not really the right tool to scrub your pc of all traces of your surfing. It does a good job with secure deletion, enough to deter the casual observer, but is is possible that there will be some traces left of your web activity which a techie could uncover. You could try a disk free-space washer such as Eraser (but I have had no practical experience of using these).

In time your web activity will be overwritten, so I would surf some less harmful sites and don't run CC, in the hope that your disk will fill up with clean activity.

I know no way of removing the pc on/off times. They are held in the event log and no doubt in other system files. Perhaps someone knows how to clean these logs, but I don't think it will be easy.


Your I.S.P. probably holds a record of every web-site you visit, especially if the I.S.P. and Phorm have a partnership.

Your I.S.P. probably also records every time you connect on and off the internet.

