Desperately needing help recovering Deleted Folders - Please help me

Hi Everyone,

Couple of weeks ago, i have deleted 2 Folders from my Hard Drive, and i am looking for a way to completely restore the Folder.

The 2 Folders were stored on my 6 TB Hard Drive and the 2 Folders were approximately 300 GB large

Today i have installed Recuva and performed a "Deep Scan" on the Hard Drive, the Scan took me 3 hours!

i had thousands of files in the Folders & Recuva approximately found only 10% of them which are in Excellent Status & Recoverable most of my missing files, Recuva doesn't even show them!!!

And on some Files Recuva says "The File is overwritten with..."

Can you Guys please help me out and tell me, which Program(s) can recover my Folder/Files

Thank you very much!

not that this is any help on your issue and will be sad news to hear....

but after 2 weeks of that 'freed up space' being in daily use by every single thing you have been using the PC for, even installing new software onto the very drive you are trying to recover from, you chances of recovering anything more than file fragments will be extremely remote in my experience.

that's a lot of GB's, what were they, movies, music?

can you tackle the issue from another angle - like, what are the chances you had that data backed up?  <span style="font-size:12px;">(I think I know the answer</span><img alt=":ph34r:" data-emoticon="" height="20" src="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/default_ph34r.png" srcset="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/ph34r@2x.png 2x" title=":ph34r:" width="20"><span style="font-size:12px;">)</span>

It was Movies & Photos on my Hard Drive, maybe you will laugh now.....

but i deleted those 2 Folders "also" from my Other (Backup) Hard Drive

I think, i'll have to live with it....that it is not recoverable anymore