Desktop Icons - Recoverable?


Our I.T. guy ran the CCleaner (which is always a good idea) but a ton of desktop icons were deleted.

While not necessarily a huge disaster, it will prove to be a huge inconvenience trying to remember them all and then re-make them.

I don't suppose there's a way to put them back right?



What operating system?

Did he use the registry part of ccleaner and if so, did he make a back up when offered the chance to do so?

As you said 'our I.T. guy'' I gather you must have the business version of ccleaner and as such, are entitled to support direct from Piriform.

Could it be System > Desktop Shortcuts was selected and it removed dead shortcuts - or maybe Windows > Icon Cache was selected?

Has DavidOptrics restarted the computer to see if the icons will reappear?