desktop icon fix

should explain itself. i messed up the desktop icon by accidentally deleting the?desktop.ini?file.?any?ways?to?fix?it?

i'm on vista btw

Might be some help below or maybe a system restore could help?

Repair Vista Icon View

tried it but no luck. i need a desktop.ini file from another vista user. at least that's what i currently think.

oh and also, i've disabled system restore.

Just done a search for desktop.ini using Agent Ransack and it found 211 files all over the place.

should be in C:\Users\...\Desktop

Is there anyway you could use Recuva to get back the file you deleted?

I did have Vista on my laptop, but I reverted back to WinXP, otherwise I would've sent you the desktop.ini file.

Any help here John, it looks promising

Any help here John, it looks promising

Thanks for the link Hazel.Should come in handy for future reference here. :)