desktop backgrounds

Here are a couple backgrounds I found on the MS site. :D

I'm using this one for my laptop:

Some stunning wallpapers and screensavers can be downloaded free from here.

Great site. Explore.


If you like sci-fi or fantasy, check this site for wallpaper, screensavers, themes, etc.

Some stunning wallpapers and screensavers can be downloaded free from here.

Great site. Explore.


Yeah, get your Polar bear wallpaper as that and documentaries they're filmed in may be the only remnants left of them in the near future.

Yeah, get your Polar bear wallpaper as that and documentaries they're filmed in may be the only remnants left of them in the near future.

Absolutely right Andavari.

That pic of the polar bear and cub is something special.

For them that haven`t seen it.


i have a picture of the lovely rachel weisz as my background :)

i have a picture of the lovely rachel weisz as my background :)

Hey XanaTos, you can`t tell us that without showing us the pic. :o

Regards is your friend: is your friend:

Thankyou for that Andavari.

I of course know her from the Mummy films.

While on the subject, saw a stunning movie this afternoon. Mel Gibsons "Apocalypto"

Although I had no idea it was subtitled, the use of the real language of the South American Indians fitted the movie perfectly.

It couldn`t have been made better.

Highly recommend.


hehe sorry dennis,heres the pic

shes really pretty,and i love the way she talks/her accent,cud listen to her talk all day ;)

since you mentioned the movie apocalypto - which was pretty damn good - i may as well mention Blood Diamond that i saw was REALLY good,and leo di caprio was amazing.i love the south african accent.

hehe sorry dennis,heres the pic

shes really pretty,and i love the way she talks/her accent,cud listen to her talk all day ;)

since you mentioned the movie apocalypto - which was pretty damn good - i may as well mention Blood Diamond that i saw was REALLY good,and leo di caprio was amazing.i love the south african accent.

Thank you kind sir, she looks different to her Mummy movie days. Slimmer, slinkier, and those eyes almost knocked me off my seat.

Yep, Apocalypto is a cracking movie, and they showed the Blood Diamond trailer.

I also noticed di caprios excellent South African accent. Although there may be a bona fide South African here who may disagree with that.

Looks like another cracking movie.

Thanks for the pic.


If you like sci-fi or fantasy, check this site for wallpaper, screensavers, themes, etc.

Sorry it`s taken a few days to reply to your post, but a cracking find for me.

I`ve been a science fiction fan since I learned to read. Never missed one episode of Babylon 5 or Farscape.
