Descripency in "bytes to be removed" and "bytes removed"


I find when I run the cleaner Analyze, it will say it has something like 50MB to remove, but when I Run Cleaner it only says it removed 7MB (example values only). If I run Analyze again after that is says there is nothing to be removed.

Seems a strange discrepancy. Any ideas?


Deleted by Disk4mat

... I do think though that this topic should be reviewed by the devs to determine what causes the different sizes reported and see if there is a way to bring them closer inline or... Just offer an explanation and use the term 'Estimated xxx will be cleaned...'

That would be nice. I started a thread on the subject at DSLR this morning and another member directed me to this thread, here. :)

Deleted by Disk4mat

I can confirm the size difference in relation to the WMI log.

Thank you, Disk4mat. :D I'm not sure if the difference is always that same amount on the Vista box my husband uses or not. As I said at DSLR, the exact amount analyzed is always removed from my WinXP. Hope the moderators here will bring this topic to the attention of the developers, as you suggested. A 16MB difference is too big to be regarded as an approximation.

Hope the moderators here will bring this topic to the attention of the developers, as you suggested.

Done :)

Done :)

Thank you, hazelnut. :D

Just some further information. The section that doesn't seem to match between analysis and cleaning is "System - Temporary Files".

It seems to be no cleaning up files in C:\Documents and Settings\user\Local Settings\Temp although it lists them in the initial analysis.


... It seems to be no cleaning up files in C:\Documents and Settings\user\Local Settings\Temp although it lists them in the initial analysis. ...

That sounds exactly opposite of the situation I posted about. If you follow the link in the 3rd post (mine) above, it shows more files are being cleaned than are being shown in the initial analysis. :mellow: