Dentist's delight

Oreo Pizza Moustache

Its funny today as I'm going to the dentist to have a lower left molar that is bugging me to have it fixed.

Oreo Pizza Moustache

Its funny today as I'm going to the dentist to have a lower left molar that is bugging me to have it fixed.

I got no lower left molars to worry about.

As far as the Oreo Pizza Mustache is concerned, I find that if you drink large volumes of coffee as I do this tends to keep the mustache down to a minimum.However with milk it tends to help the mustache grow. 490 Billion Oreos sold!!!

If you are a "gamer" and "snack-aholic" you must visit this site.

Hope your molar feels better.

:) davey

Hope your molar feels better.

It still aches like mad but a couple of Tylenol pain killers work for about 6 hours.

I have to get a root canal operation that scheduled for March 28th ( $$$ :( )

Thankfully my pension health benefits covers about 80% of the cost.

They really do eat some sh*t in America <_<

They really do eat some sh*t in America <_<

There is a reason heart attacks and strokes are the leading cause off death over here. North Americans are gluttons.

It still aches like mad but a couple of Tylenol pain killers work for about 6 hours.

I have to get a root canal operation that scheduled for March 28th ( $$$ :( )

Thankfully my pension health benefits covers about 80% of the cost.

That's why I got rid of mine.

Tylenol is the best for tooth-aches.

Why do you have to wait so long?You should have told the dentist "let's do it now!!!"

I got tired of root canals.

Well, you gotta do what you gotta do but not wait that long.

Oooowwwwaaaaaaooooooeeeeeeiiiiii Call the doc and tell him you are going to yank it out or have a heart attack or something.Tell him now you head aches and your ear hurts.Any pain,close to the brain is too much pain.


:) davey


Driver charged with speeding blames poorly dunked Oreo, Connecticut state police say

Associated Press

Last update: March 23, 2008 - 1:50 AM

SALISBURY, Conn. - Police say a man's excuse for speeding through a small Connecticut town takes the cake ? or, at least, the cookie.