It's obvious from the replies on this forum regarding file name deletion, that the MFT is a protected area on typical hard drives and that RECOVA's secure file deletion excludes the MFT-retained file names.
Are there programs that "defrag" the MFT? A Google search indicates there are. IF so, would the file name of a deleted file be overwritten during the defrag?
I understand that the program EVIDENCE ELIMINATOR will also remove all traces of the file contents -- including its MFT name. Today, I e-mailed them [EE] for confirmation. Their site suggests this is the case but doesn't specifically mention "MFT."
I understand that using Ccleaner with the OPTION to overwrite the deleted file may also work. Is this true? CCleaner's instructions state:
"Note: When CCleaner securely deletes files, it renames them with all Zs in the file name (for example, ZZZZZZZZ.ZZZ) for increased security. Since Recuva is recovering files that have already been deleted, it cannot change their names before it overwrites them."
Presumably, RECUVA is recovering [prior to its secure deletion] files that have been deleted by CCleaner and renamed zzzzzzz.zzz. If this is correct -- problem solved. OR is the (e.g.) temp. folder's ORIGINAL name in the MFT forever?!
While RECUVA's deletion protocol doesn't mess with the MFT, it seems probable that other methods may be able to delete the MFT file name.
I would think that RECUVA's programmers would be very interested in having the capability to include the elimination of the file name as well as its contents.
When CCleaner securely deletes a file, it first renames the file with all Z's, it then overwrites the fragments, so this means this file is gone... forever.
When Recuva overwrites a file it is dealing with files that have already been deleted, these are different from the types of files CCleaner deletes, this means that it is not possible to rename the file first. So when Recuva overwrites a file, it cannot overwrite the filename. The only way to remove the filename of an already deleted file, is to overwrite all the unused filenames in the MFT. We are working on this feature for a future version.
When CCleaner securely deletes a file, it first renames the file with all Z's, it then overwrites the fragments, so this means this file is gone... forever.
When Recuva overwrites a file it is dealing with files that have already been deleted, these are different from the types of files CCleaner deletes, this means that it is not possible to rename the file first. So when Recuva overwrites a file, it cannot overwrite the filename. The only way to remove the filename of an already deleted file, is to overwrite all the unused filenames in the MFT. We are working on this feature for a future version.
Thank you for that concise and helpful response. I get it. And I will "get" your future version that provides the file name deletion feature.