Deleting System Volume Files with CCleaner

A member in Defraggler forum says that the latest version of CCleaner has the capability to delete System Volume Information files.

Another member used this CCleaner feature successfully to solve a problem with Defraggler showing high fragmentation percentage after defrag due to the System Volume Information files. I have this same problem.

I've read all the 'how tos' and can't figure out how to remove these files with CCleaner.

I've posted in the other forum asking for instructions, but no response so far. Can someone here please help? :unsure:

Click on Tools, then System Restore. Highlight all the Restore Points you wish to delete then click on Remove.

CCleaner removes references to the System Restore points, but may not actually remove all files related to each point. (Quote from docs.)

CCleaner removes references to the System Restore points, but may not actually remove all files related to each point. (Quote from docs.)

Hi Augeas,

So does this explain why, after removing all but the last restore point as suggested by kroozer, and re-running Defraggler, I still have 2 System Volume Information files fragmented? These 2 files show a total of 32 fragments, and fragmentation is at 28%. Sure wish I could get rid of this.

Just once, at Christmas, I got to 0% fragmentation. I tried so many procedures that I have no idea what did the trick.

I realize that this topic might be more related to Defraggler forum, but using CCleaner as recommended helped, so I'm still following this thread.

FYI, I'm running Win 7 Home Premium 32 and have less than 40GB used space on the C: drive. Also please note, I'm 73years young and trying really hard to understand as much as I can. Plainspeak works better for me than Geektalk :) Any assistance you can provide is greatly appreciated.


Press the Windows and Break keys on your keyboard.

Then click on "System Protection" (or something like that - my computer's in French so I don't know the exact names).

Select the C: drive, then click on the second button from the top ("Manage", or something like this).

You'll then be able to delete all System Restore files. After doing that, create a new one from the System Protection window. ;)

Click on Tools, then System Restore. Highlight all the Restore Points you wish to delete then click on Remove.

Hi kroozer,

Thank you so much! :)

I followed your instructions, and there is great improvement. Now have only 2 fragmented files totaling 32 frags and now down to 28% fragmentation. These two files are still System Volume information.

At Christmas I tried lots of things, and somehow got to 0% fragmentation. No clue what actually accomplished this happy state. (I had gone around in too many circles) :rolleyes:

So anyway, do you think I can get back to the 0% again?

Press the Windows and Break keys on your keyboard.

Then click on "System Protection" (or something like that - my computer's in French so I don't know the exact names).

Select the C: drive, then click on the second button from the top ("Manage", or something like this).

You'll then be able to delete all System Restore files. After doing that, create a new one from the System Protection window. ;)

Hello Aethec,

Thank you for your response. I probably would try this, but I don't know what the Break key is. Does it have an alternate name?

Regards, Picablu :)

Hi kroozer,

So anyway, do you think I can get back to the 0% again?

I'm using Vista but Win 7 is probably similar; try this: Right click the Start button, richt click C:, click Properties, click Disk cleanup, at the top of the message box click More Options, under System Restore and Shadow Copies click Cleanup, and when the message box appears click Delete.

I won't lead you any further because I don't want to delete my own Restore points, but just follow any prompts. This will eliminate ALL your Restore Points and Sys Vol Info files. As soon as you create a new Restore point your drive WILL BE FRAGMENTED, and all future Sys Vol Info files will be fragmented. You have to live with this if you want the security of having Restore Points !

It is unrealistic to operate with zero disk fragmentation. My system currently is 58% fragmented and is running very fast on a Celeron 440 ! When I delete my Restore Points frag drops to about 14% and it still runs just as fast.

Picablu : It's also the "Pause" key.

kroozer : System Restore points are not always fragmented ;)

kroozer : System Restore points are not always fragmented ;)

Mine are! :lol:

Mine are! :lol:

Hi kroozer,

I don't know about you, but I like 0% fragmentation. Maybe it's the bookkeeper in me. :lol: Thanks to all the helpful members here I've found there's more than one way to skin this cat. :rolleyes: Not that I'd ever do such a thing. I have five kitty 'furfriends'.

Anyway, you don't have to live with system files fragmented.

Happy CCleaning! :) Picablu