Accidently deleted my IE dsktop default icon on my Dell XPS1730 laptop running Vista 32 bit.......can I restore it......if yes kidnly suggest.
Accidently deleted my IE dsktop default icon on my Dell XPS1730 laptop running Vista 32 bit.......can I restore it......if yes kidnly suggest.
Accidently deleted my IE dsktop default icon on my Dell XPS1730 laptop running Vista 32 bit.......can I restore it......if yes kidnly suggest.
Not sure on a restoring an icon (short of a full restore, a bit drastic) all I can think of is locate the .exe file and create a shortcut.
Thanks for the input I appreciate it.
I don't have a Vista machine in front of me but under XP you could customise your desktop via Display properties to add remove icons related to: My Computer, My Documents etc. Internet Explorer should be also one of them options.
Richard S.
I don't have a Vista machine in front of me but under XP you could customise your desktop via Display properties to add remove icons related to: My Computer, My Documents etc. Internet Explorer should be also one of them options.
Richard S.
Thanks Richard S........have this Vista on Dell.....Sony has XP MCE.......?
I dont use ie but aint it in something like c:\windows\IE*
Just add a short cut???
The Internet Explorer desktop icon isn't just some standard .LNK shortcut though, so if creating a standard shortcut to iexplore.exe you won't have the right click features available.
The Internet Explorer desktop icon isn't just some standard .LNK shortcut though, so if creating a standard shortcut to iexplore.exe you won't have the right click features available.
Not sure about Visa but with Win 7 a shortcut placed on my desktop had the same "right click" features. I created mine from the "start - all programs" fly out.
Why not give it a go Mike 1025 and let us know the result.