delete this files?

i have a question about follow files to delete, possible delete hole file-extensions

all *.old ?

on my example: C:\Dokumente u Einstellungen\user\Anwendungsdaten\WEBDE\Smartsurfer\... there are 6 files named "Entry.old" and "Entry.Extra.old" in the subdirectories. otherwise no other files of this type are available on C:\

all *.ldb ?

on my example: C:\Windows\Internet Logs\user-xxxxxxxxxx.ldb

otherwise no other files of this type are available on C:\

all *.*~ ?

on my example: C:\Dokumente u Einstellungen\User\Anwendungsdaten\Microsoft\Adress Book\User.wa~

otherwise no other files of this type are available on C:\

at last the file:

C:\Windows\System32\NtmsData\NTMSDATA.BAKOn these file i'm not sure.

can perhaps be included in the ccleaner?

Old are usually made only by a Computer's User (I've never actually seen a program make an .old or .orig file on any PC)

A lot of programs make .old files. Games do it especially often.

Crazy, I've never noticed anything doing it except myself.