Delete MRU within INI-Files

Suggestions for winapp.ini and winapp2.ini....

Sometimes the MRU is saved in an INI-File. But not the complete file should be deleted, because there are also program-settings in the INI-File. One example is the MRU saved in the INI-File by FreeCommander:

In the german-located version:

- the INI-File ist saved under C:\Programme\FreeCommander\FreeCommander.ini

- In the group [Form] the set the Settings from "Dir1=Path" and "Dir2=Path" to "Dir1=" and "Dir2="

- delete all from group [HistoryDir1]

- delete all from group [HistoryDir2]

- delete all from group [HistoryFileSelect]

- delete all from group [History_Pack]

- delete all from group [History_Unpack]

- delete all from group [History_Split]

Also other Software like "1st Page 2000", "ArcSoft PhotoStudio 5", "burnatonce", "CatsCradle" and a lot more saves the MRU in INI-Files, which can not be complete deleted, because there are other settings saved in the same file.

Sometimes the Software writes the location of the INI-Files (even other MRU-files) to the registry. To find these files, CCleander can use the key. Example (by FreeCommander):


This can be useful, if the location of the MRU-File can be set by the user. A further example is "Adobe Photoshop": Reg.-key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE|SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Adobe Photoshop 5.0 Limited Edition|InstallLocation

Under the Path saved in the key "InstallLocation" the INI-File "\Prefs\Phot50LE.ini".