Delete empty folders

Maybe add feature to delete empty folders?

this is oft requested, however the majority feel that since destruction of empty folders can break some apps, and no gain of freespace is gotten from their removal, that it would be an unwelcome addition to CCleaner.

However the developers consider all viable suggestions.

Empty folders usually left after uninstalling programs,leaves the computer disorganized with empty folders which are useless.

but a program like CC won't know if the folder is left empty due to an uninstall or empty for some other reason.

it's rare, but there are programs out there that expect certain folders to be there - empty or not.

My HP Printer software insisted upon installing drivers to "print to the cloud".

I would delete them and they were resurrected when I printed on paper.

I then deleted them and replaced them with empty folders that had the same name as the drivers that HP wanted me to have,

and then HP obeyed my wishes.

There are all sorts of benefits to be had with an empty folder.