Delete ARPCache + Boot Optimization Defrag + Process Idle Tasks?


I've seen that CCleaner Clears the DNS Cache, why not clear the ARP cache as well?

Maybe something like this might give a hint:

Netsh Interface IP Delete ARPCache

And, why not add a Boot Optimization Defrag, that speeds up the boot up process?

This might give a hint:

defrag \ -b

Last but least, why not Process Idle Tasks, to clear the RAM?

This is might give a hint on this one:

rundll32.exe advapi32.dll,ProcessIdleTasks

Kind regards,



The ProcessIdleTasks trick is bogus. It won't clear the memory or whatever ;)

Boot defrag is not the job of ccleaner

The ProcessIdleTasks trick is bogus. It won't clear the memory or whatever ;)

True it has nothing to do really do with memory. Using it will only cause most defrag programs to completely undo any "file placement optimizations" it's performed making it redundant to use. I personally disable it via Microsoft Tweak UI.

Also "defrag -b" is undocumented by Microsoft, yet it's all over third-party "tweak" sites as some "boot optimization," personally I've tried it before and I noticed no difference.