Defragller & Defragmenter (possible bugs)

Well, I just started using Defraggler last night, and I have to tell you it is a wonderful little piece of software ! I love it. Gone are the days of having to defragment an entire drive just to defrag the few files that really need it !!

Now, like the title of my post suggest I've got a few bugs to discuss, and I have an issue with the Windows Defragmenter I was wondering if anyone here could help me out with. I mean... you guys built a better defragger, so I'm guessing you know a bit about defragmenters to begin with.

Now, first of all... about Defraggler - my only issue with it is that when I go to defrag the free space, it runs through about 15-20% of the free space and then it just stops. I've seen it stop as early as 13% and go as late as 21%....

When it stops it says the drive is completely defragmented. But... it never got to 100% of the free space. Now, is this normal (I mean I'm only using 9% of my HD space to begin with... that leaves a lot of free space), or is it something to worry about ?

And on the topic of of the Windows defragger- the one that comes with the windows software - when I try to defragment using this program, it runs anywhere between 3% and 98% and then stops. I get a message saying that some files on the drive could not be defragmented, and to check the log for a list of these files. I look at the log, and there are no files listed....

I've seen all kinds of "answers" to this problem- suggestions to reformat my HD (yeah... right... no chance), re-install Windows (even worse... ), or a possible virus or malware... I've also seen people, on Yahoo answers state very plainly that Microsoft's defragger simply... sucks, for lack of a better word... and that using a third party defragger like Defraggler is the way to go.

I was hoping to get your opinion, here at Piriform... because I do think your software far out classes other software of it's type- CCleaner being the best clean up tool I've ever found, and Recuva being a terrific file restorer as well as great at shredding old files !