Defragler v2.19.982 (64-bit) realy realy slow


Has anyone else this Problem. I startet a defrag of a 500GB Drive now it's running for 7 days and just hit the 49% mark.

That is really way to slow in my opinion.

My System is Windows7 64bit.

Any options besides changing to an other defrag tool?

did you tick the option to Stop VSS?

it may also be your AV software slowing it down.

you can stop it, whatever has been defragged won't be touched again, so no time lost on that front.

then try running it with the PC in Safe Mode and see if that helps.

also, did you run CCleaner beforehand - no point in defragging all those temp files and Recycle Bin.

Yes the options is ticked.

AV is deactivated and CCleaner did run beforehand.

However I can not see any significant speedup.

and Safe mode?

- You also can limit the process to defragment all the defragmented files only and not defragment the entire disk.

- You also can let the program run for an hour or two and then abort.

- You can limit the defragmentation process to a number of folders. There're A LOT OF options in the "Settings" menus (plural) if you'd care to dig a little deeper.

After testing and testing and testing I found the reason.

The Defrag is realy realy slow if "Move large Files to end of drive during whole drive defrag" is selected and "Move only selected files, folders and file types" is selected too as soon the options are deactivated defraggler is as fast es expected.

To be compleatly sure I let defraggler defrag the disk with the option on for 2 Weeks and it finished...horay..but... It did not defrag the files in fact defaggler fragmenten the files more than they where bevore. Fragmenten files goes up from ~3000 to ~ 10000.

Maybe this connected with since this is the case "Move large Files to end of drive during whole drive defrag" is selected and "Move only selected files, folders and file types" is deselected.


MLF = Move large Files, MOS = Move only selected files

MLF=OFF, MOS=OFF: Defrag fast and working

MLF=ON, MOS=OFF: Does not Defrag at all, instantly competes after starting a drive defrag

MLF=ON, MOS=ON: Very slow does fragment the files on the drive

works fine for me with MLF=ON and MOS=OFF.

using DF v2.19.982, Win8.1u1 Pro x64.

500gig HDD, 12% fragmented.

took just over an hour to reshuffle ~25gigs.

so yeah, not super fast but definitely did its thing.

Good for you.

It's not working for me

DF v2.19.982, WIndows 7 Pro x64

500gig HDD, 12% fragmented

Ok, no need for the attitude, simply saying it's not across the board for all users.

Maybe its a Windows 7 far as I can see that's the only difference

as you would has seen in the other thread you posted in, the Dev Team are aware of the issue.

it'll just be a waiting game now as to when/if any way forward is found.

how full is your hd? is this 1 big partition?


try this without "move large file into nirvana" B)

perhaps this helps.

what are the greatest files with fragments on your hd?