I don't use Defraggler so I don't know what options it has but don't you mean CCleaner?
Whatever s/w it is the process of writing a file and then deleting it is totally different from erasing a NAND flash block. The SSD's grabage collection routines will erase the (invalid) block irrespective of what has been written there previously.
And don't bother to zero or anthing fill an SSD. Windows will not allow you to access TRIMed data, and the block erasure will remove anything that was written before permanently, so a normal delete will do.
A zero fill would use zeroes from the user's point of view, which is greatly abstracted from the actual values written to flash cells.
If the SSD is quite old (10 years +) then it might not support TRIM, in which case a very infrequent WFS might be beneficial. If nothing is done then there is no way for the SSD controller to know which pages have been deleted by the O/S. When a page deleted by the O/S is subsequently reused the SSD's garbage collector will flag that page as invalid and use a previously erased page. You may have to wait a few micro-seconds in this case.
This is how USB flash drives work as USB doesn't (or didn't until very recently) support SATA protocol.
i guess i dont need to worry about trim missing to mark deleted data because eventually ssd file system and OS file system of files valid and invalid be be synced
That's right, the O/S and the SSD controller will treat the writing of a new file to 'deleted' pages as an update of the pages.
By their nature SSDs run with most of their deleted and TRIMed pages unerased, the SSD is shall we say full, even if the O/S only shows live data. Garbage collection is done nowadays i the foreground as it reduces the number of extraneous writes and also lessens the load on portable devices.
I don't know how the SSD controller can know that pages are no longer used by the O/S's file system. That info is held in the MFT and cluster bit map which the SSD can't read.
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i guess i dont need to worry about trim missing to mark deleted data because eventually ssd file system and OS file system of files valid and invalid be be synced