Defraggler wont work

Defraggler ran OK until recently. Now on clicking Analyze,it always returns 0% fragmentation. This also happens on clicking Degfrag. Curiously this happens only on the c:\ drive. I am not aware of making any configuration changes. I am running Windows XP Pro SP3 - fully updated.

How do I get Defraggler running properly again please?

Just noticed another oddity. Having analyzed hard disk drive c:\ the drive map shows "No files are in the block" - anywhere on the hard drive. Files are found on and the other hard drives defrag OK, I have tried uninstalling and re-installing Defraggler. I would guess that not finding any files would be the reason why it finds no fragmented files and, therefore, does not defrag. By the way I am using Defraggler V2.03.282.

Go to filehippo and try an older version (2.02/2.01/2.00 etc) and see if one of them works...

This could be a bug, and if that works, just use it till they release 2.04...

Thanks. I've tried all versions 2.0.x and several 1.x.x all with the same result - although one will show fragmented blocks (red) on C:\ (which the latest version doesn't) but still not defrag them. Some will fail to see files in the blocks on the other hard disks and, therefore, fail to defrag them (whereas the latest version will, at least, do that).

The results have been inconsistent. I've even run a registery checker to try to make sure the fault doesn't lie in the Registry.

I've used Defraggler without a problem for a number of years. I don't want to find an alternative product but think I may need to now.

Any ideas what may cause the problem please?

Perhaps run Defraggler in debug mode and attach the log here in a post.

The devs will then see it as they read all posts.

Anything unusual about your C drive by the way?

Perhaps run Defraggler in debug mode and attach the log here in a post.

The devs will then see it as they read all posts.

Anything unusual about your C drive by the way?

How do you run Defraggler in Debug mode please?

Can't think of anything unusual about the C drive. Auslogic defrags the C drive OK. I have tried previous versions of Defraggler (all of which have worked OK) with mixed results as some wouldn't recognise files on other drives. It looks as though the probable cause of the problem is with Defraggler

How do you run Defraggler in Debug mode please?

follow the link hazelnut provided

I have just booted up a clone HD which was made in mid December and updated Defraggler to V2.03.282 (but otherwise not changed). Defraggler runs OK on that HD. The finger of suspicion seems to be pointing to something on the operational HD which has been updated or installed since mid December that forces Defraggler to return the "no files are in this block" message but which does not affect either Windows defragmenter or Auslogic Disk Defrag V3.2.0.0 (recently installed).

Hope this claryfies the issue. Please let me know how to use Debug which, I presume, you will still want.

Taken from the defraggler online docs link

From the Windows desktop, click Start and then click Run.

In the Run dialog box, type <path to Defraggler> /[debugx] (where x means the number of mode). Typically, this will be:

C:\Program Files\Defraggler\Defraggler.exe /debug

please note there is a space after the word exe and before /

Click OK. Defraggler starts in debug mode. You will see the word [debug] next to the version number at the top of the program window.

Once you have finished using Defraggler as usual and have quit the program, use Windows Explorer to navigate to the installation path (the same path you typed in Step 2). The log file will be in this folder in the format: Defraggler_log[date].txt.

You could also try running chkdsk on that hard disk, although I don't know if that will fix the Defraggler issue:

My Computer -> right click drive C\ : and select Properties -> Tools (tab) -> Under Error-checking click Check Now -> select Automatically fix file system errors and click Start -> click Yes at the prompt and restart your computer.

If that's too much work the nice freeware tool CheckDiskGUI makes it more accessible, and it's portable.

The path suggested to run debug is correct (i know it's there) but it returns "Windows cannot find c:\Program".

What to do now please?

You need to place quotes around the address Like so:

"C:\Program Files\Defraggler\Defraggler.exe" /debug

Thanks. Have now run debug and report is attached. Look forward to getting a fix.
