could someone competent describe me generally how is the defraggler different from other defraggers in terms of technology it uses?
im asking this one since it resembles too much to windows built-in one in terms of GUI, but also, the question is what it does differently beneath the hood and how?
im using PerfectDisk currently and it seems it does his job but im seeking alternatives since it aint free and im using other Piriform apps (CC, Recuva) which are great, so just checking to see if Defraggler is decent replacement for commercial defragging software..
You can view the Defraggler documentation site to learn about it. With it being closed-source software only the developer could divulge information of it's inner workings which seems rather unlikely to happen. The only thing I can tell that I know for sure is that it uses the Microsoft API for defragmentation, actually most defrag tools do.
For differences between defrag programs I'd recommend reading Donn Edwards Great Defrag Shootout.
You can view the Defraggler documentation site to learn about it. With it being closed-source software only the developer could divulge information of it's inner workings which seems rather unlikely to happen. The only thing I can tell that I know for sure is that it uses the Microsoft API for defragmentation, actually most defrag tools do.
For differences between defrag programs I'd recommend reading Donn Edwards Great Defrag Shootout.
I just wanted to add that with Defraggler you can defrag only files and folders that need defragment instead of having to do a full disk defragment which will take time.
so being user of PerfectDisk 10 and according to test on this link i'd say im already using the best one on the market..
its bloated though and defraggler is portable and small so i think i could try to use it for some time..
i never really experienced some noticeable system speed up after defragmentation, but on the other side, i never allowed filesystem to get heavy fragmented..