Defraggler v2.13.670 vs. Defraggler v2.14.705

Hi Everyone,

I'm confused about an update reversal that I'm seeing for Defraggler (Free Version). On April 18, 2013 I turned on my computer and went through my checklist of programs I have set to manually update. When I got to Defraggler I checked for the updates and received an update from "Defraggler v2.13.670" to the updated "Defraggler v2.14.705". Well one day later going through my morning update checks, I saw yet another update for Defraggler but it wasn't an UPDATE but a reversal to v2.13.670, though it reads as an update from v2.14.705 which I just installed yesterday. What am I to make of this? Was the update offered yesterday a mistake and needs more work or is the update feature for the program giving erroneous information? I use Windows 7 Home Premium (64 bit) and have chosen to keep IE9 for the time though I can't see how a browser would affect anything. Also I have the Windows Defrag program still installed but it's never caused a problem since installing Defraggler. Any clues, should I revert or am I seeing an error on the update page? I haven't used the updated version as of yet, there has been no need.

Hi Bywaterboy, and welcome to the forum.

We know as much as you ...

As hazel says, we'll let you know if and when we find out.


Thank you DennisD,

I see from your link that others have had this temporary choice to upgrade to Defraggler v2.14.705 and then a reversion. It appeared at least in one case to have ran slower on one person's computer if I read it right. Either way I don't need it immediately so I can wait 'til things shake out. But I wonder how it gets offered in the first place. Thanks again.


But I wonder how it gets offered in the first place. Thanks again.

Because stuff happens.

No software would ever be released if it had to be tested upon every possible hardware build and operating system with every possible combination of installed applications.

Just be thankful that you do not have to download an ISO image and burns a Boot Rescue CD to resuscitate the computer,

which is the fate of some who allowed a Microsoft Patch to install :o

hi please see

moved to the defraggler bugs board