Defraggler v2.02


We've got a new build of Defraggler for 2011. It's more stable, smaller and faster than ever!

Release notes:

  • Improvements to speed and accuracy of the search algorithm.
  • Redesigned NTFS processes for optimized speed and memory.
  • Improved event handling with Windows 7.
  • Improved scheduling for non-admin users.
  • Fixed issue that caused drive icons to disappear from the drive list.
  • Fixed issue that caused the Analyze button to be incorrectly drawn during long tasks.
  • Improved handling of long non-English strings in options dialog.
  • Fixed issue with fragmentation percent when drive contains sparse files.
  • Moved about dialog to a separate window.
  • Improved error logging in Windows 7.
  • Minor GUI changes and tweaks.
  • Minor bug fixes.

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Wooh! Keep up the good work :-)

Not sure if you guys noticed, but this new Defraggler version was reviewed by Softpedia

and it scored five stars :D (here's the link).

Also, I like the changes that you guys have been doing to the Piriform website. :)

Here's a suggestion:

Under the support tab submenu you guys could add "Documentation" and "Forum".

Just a suggestion. :)