I have installed Defraggler v1.05 but it seems a number of features in this version doesn't work, doesn't function. e.g. the only language available is english and the option "move files to the end of the disk" also doesn't seem to work.
Does anyone else have similar experiences with version v1.05 of Defraggler ?
Start Defraggler and select Settings > Options > Language . Then change language to what you installed other than English.
I tested Now I have Spanish and English.
Adios amigo !!! Now I have to learn Spanish.
P.S. You must select the language that you want other than English when you install Defraggler. It looks like Defraggler will start in English since that is embedded then you must change it to what you want when you first execute it. Feliz Navidad !!!
I have installed Defraggler v1.05 but it seems a number of features in this version doesn't work, doesn't function. e.g. the only language available is english and the option "move files to the end of the disk" also doesn't seem to work.
Does anyone else have similar experiences with version v1.05 of Defraggler ?
Defraggler v1.05 does put the big files at the end of the disk on my machine, perhaps you don't have any "big" files? However, there is a problem with this feature since defragging free space appears to put the big files back at the end of the contiguous file space!