Today we have a new version of Defraggler for everyone to download!
This version fixes various bugs in the initial release, adds scheduling and support for multiple languages.
We say "support" because we've got to send the strings to our highly skilled translators first. So the actual non-English language releases will be out in a few weeks.
I have just downloaded the Defraggler v1.03.093, it works fine in my old laptop. however on the desktop when I ran the new version it crashes the program, I have deleted the program completly from this computer and reinstalled a clean copy but no go it still crashes.
Computer is intel dual proccessor running xp and dual disk drives with 1 Gb of ram.
I attempted to download older cersion from web site but it won,t allow download of older versions.
Anyone else struck this or have information which would allow me to get v1.03.093 working.
This post was posted to draw the attention of the manufacters of the product to the fact that they had a problem with their new release of the product, not to start a discussion on translation.