Defraggler Trouble - When Uninstall Doesn't Work

Hello All,

I've been a happy user of CCleaner for sometime now. So satisfied that I recently decided to try Defraggler. I am running XP Pro[sP2] with 2 drives. I installed v102 fine first, then updated to the present v105. Ran the program the first time ok. Problems started the next time ran following a running of CCleaner. Defraggler will not run, reinstall, nor uninstall, just didn't work. I found it in Control Panel's Program Add/Remove and initiated removal there, ok gone(???). Attempted to reinstall, but received errors "Error opening file for writing: C:\Program Files\Defraggler\Defraggler.exe"; with options to [Abort], [Retry] or [ignore]. I tried all three.

The directory is still there with only three files in it; the Defraggler.exe file, df.exe, and uninst.exe files. These files will not run, uninstall nor delete. Messages received when trying to delete: "If you remove it, you will no longer be able to run this program or edit some documents",[Yes or No]. Click [Yes] is followed by;"Cannot delete, Access is denied", then on about making sure the disk is not full or write-protected and that the file is not running. I cannot uninstall Defraggler, so I can reinstall Defraggler.

I have read most of the trouble shooting options from the forum and tried I believe all that I see. I've even attempted to run Defraggler in Debugging Mode from the command-line (C:\Program Files\Defraggler\Defraggler.exe /debug) and (C:\Program Files\Defraggler\Df.exe /debug). The sting would not initiate.

I am reluctant to do anything at this point, because I do not want to lose my work.



Thank you.

Have you booted into safe mode and tried to uninstall ?

If it won't uninstall in safe mode try Unlocker instead.

Thank you Hazenut for your response. I thought of that also, but I hesitated in doing that. I installed it on another computer and actually looked at the programs structure, in which now I see Defraggler is only three files in that directory itself. I know there are other files it placed throughout the windows and system directories also, but I'm just not sure if I can safely just delete these three files in the c:\program files\defraggler directory and be ok.

Notice the computer with the problems is running XP PRO[sP2]. The second computer is running XP HOME[sP2], both with administrative privileges. I might be making a mountain out of a mole hill here, but after looking at the properties of these files (defraggler.exe, df.exe, and uninst.exe), Defraggler appears to do a lot more with the installation on XP PRO.

For example, file properties with XP Home show the generic stuff, tabs General, Versions, Compatibility and Summary. XP PRO is much more extensive with tabs for General, Program, Font, Compatibility, Screen, Misc and Memory for memory allocations.

So the questions are, can it be as simply as just deleting these three files?

Will Defarggler reinstall after that with the others files it leaves in other places, including the registry changes?

And, will I not lose anything else from my computer in doing this? Or, am I over thinking this?

Why doesn't the debugging script work and what the hell did CCleaner do to Defraggler? :blink:

Or, could I simply do a 'system restore' to a early date before the installation?

Thank you, again :huh: (help!)

A system restore would probably be the best option, although this will not answer the question of why you had problems.

There are plenty of other pro users of both softwares who don't seem to have had any of the problems that you seem to have had.

Please let us know how things work out.

Hazelnut, thank you again for your reply :) . I found the problem. My firewall (Comodo) had blocked components of Defraggler. Once that issue was resolved, magically it corrected itself after a reboot and now all is good again in the Land of OZ :D !!!

Signing-off B)

Thanks for posting back and letting us know how it worked out.

Happy surfing :)