Defraggler Simply Doesn't Defragment Hard Drive

Hey, all,

I've been having this problem with Defraggler for a while. Whenever I run Defraggler, the analysis says that my hard drives are as fragmented (if not more) after it does its thing. I just did a Quick Defrag to check, and my fragmentation was at 37% both before and after. When I ran a full defrag last night it did the same thing.

I'm running Windows Vista Home Premium SP2 on a custom-built machine. If you need any other specs, let me know.

Thanks in advance for any help you can give! :-D


Click on the "File list" tab to see what files are fragmented and what files are not.

Files stored in "C:\System Volume Information" are not accessible although still account for Defraggler's statistics.

Purge your System Restore points and then run Defraggler you might find your drive less fragmented.

Richard S.

Like redhawk said it's probably System Volume Information but I wouldn't purge System Restore points because you may need them later on, unless you're creating backups with ERUNT or something similar. As it's a custom-built machine (I'm assuming it's high end) the fragmentation caused by SVI won't really affect your hard drive.

Good to know; there are eight large files in System Volume Information on the list. My paging file is there, as well. I didn't know Defraggler couldn't access those files.

It's not really a high-end machine, although it still runs as good today as it did back when I built it a year and a half ago; I'm not trying to defrag for performance issues as much as for preventative maintenance.

Thanks for your help, guys! :-D

Don't bother about those files being fragmented, it will not affect your system performance in any meaningful way.

The real problem is that huge files with a few very big fragments are reported same as if files were heavily fragmented in vast number of fragments. See Less Strict Fragment Defintion, Display & Reporting