A lot of your posts mention the fact that you use SP2.
Perhaps consider moving to SP3.
This is not to start a ''but I don't want or need SP3'' discussion.
Plain fact is SP2 is out of date and stopped being supported in July 2010.
Perhaps consider moving to SP3. ---> SP3 has problems. On certain AMD configurations, it causes endless reboot problems or blue screens. It also causes wifi on certain systems to mess up, because it blocks the packets streaming in due to thinking the system is under attack. Microsoft is full of information concerning this & other issues with SP3. I know SP3 is supposed to be 10% faster, & I did consider your suggestion, but does it make sense to "update" to a downdate that does worse & ruins things? Have you ever considered that? Or not? I know the information has been out a long time, so I guess you forgot about it.
You probably use Windows 7 or Vista. Fine. I use XP at the moment. Some programs, such as Ribbon Printer that prints to balloon ribbons do NOT have a working Vista/7 driver on their website that will let you print ribbons using the driver. Cannot install in Vista OR 7, even under compatibility mode for XP SP2, neither can driver be forcibly installed (errors out) leaving the ONLY working solution to use XP.
I did consider it, Hazel, but it simply will NOT work on my system. I am NOT going to try to repeatedly install SP3 only to have my wifi crash because of it, or to have my system bluescreen because of it. SP2 is stable. The biggest hole I have seen, & you can verify by looking at the buffer overflow & other type patches that MS introduces to try to fix problems that are caused by IE. IE has active X scripting, which allows anyone to run anything on your computer without your permission if you visit a maliciously crafted website. I don't use Opera because the interface is wonky, & it suffers from needle thin tabs when you open lots of them. Google chrome suffers from the same, & ad block + just hides (doesn't block) ads in chrome. At least, unless they changed from how they USED to do. Internet Explorer CAUSES malware infestations simply by visiting maliciously crafted websites, so it is dangerous to even use.
Firefox has been stable for me, & I have not had a single infection since switching to firefox from web surfing. Any virus attacks I have had since changing browsers has always been because I installed a toolbar with a program, or was testing a program that had it bundled with it. I have systems that are fully patched, yes, with all the updates, & windows 7 with SP1, but no amount of patching will fix installing rogue software. All Windows systems are vulnerable from the time they are compromised, & they can all be compromised by rogue installations, which is why it is so important to:
- Have a good firewall
- Have a good Antivirus
- Use care when installing programs you are unfamiliar with
I cannot use SP3 on my system because the ribbon printer & some business system software will NOT run with it, & it causes havoc with my wifi, & it blue screens this system. SP3 is NOT an option, because it won't work on this one!
This isn't an "hey, I would like to be more secure!" discussion, because SP3 cannot work on my system.
I like your suggestion, but it bluescreens this system, so therefore it is not possible to use your suggestion on this particular system.
Plain fact is SP2 is out of date and stopped being supported in July 2010. ---> I am not concerned with whether Microsoft supports something. Look at Internet Explorer. They know the dangers of Active-X exploits, yet they always have it turned on by default in IE. Having rules is not an option, because McAfee researchers in China recently found ways to craft an XML page that IE 6, 7, 8 (I assume 9 does it too, but haven't tested it yet) will be caused to import a rules update, therebye whitelisting bad controls. Before you say oh, you need an updates OS to protect you, just remember that there isn't any protection as long as your using IE with Active-X. Active-X means you can visit a website & they can automatically download & install anything on your system silently & behind your back just by visiting the page. Your system will be hosed.
Firefox does not have active-x, so while there may be other vulnerabilities, it cannot be compromised in this unsafe manner. Microsoft, despite having years to fix this, chose to ignore it. Therefore, I am not worried about MS declaring it is out of support. If they were truly serious about security, you'd see serious problems like this fixed, instead of patching & calling on users to fix problems that their open-door backdoor browser caused in the first place.
By the way, the exploit also successfully circumvented the UAC Vista & 7 controls & the DEP memory randomization protections.
You can avoid a lot of the problems, simply by not using IE.
P.S. IE crashes on 3 to 20 tabs. Firefox has been used with up to 1611 tabs & could have opened more, but system was slowing a bit. Can never get IE8 much over 20 without crashing.