Defraggler Shell

Defraggler Shell is way cool.

I tried it on My Documents Folder and poof there it was defragged faster than I can say Thank You.

yes great. Works too with Total Commander internal bar. Parameter: /S "%P*.*" (correct if i'm wrong).

You're welcomed! :)

Defraggler is by far the fastest defrag program I've ever used, and have since dumped Contig forever!

I tried it on My Documents Folder and poof there it was defragged faster than I can say Thank You.

If you downloaded it before I fixed it, you need to:

1. Re-download it.

2. Run the uninstaller.

3. Run the installer.

The fix details are in the Defraggler Shell pinned topic.

If you downloaded it before I fixed it, you need to:

1. Re-download it.

2. Run the uninstaller.

3. Run the installer.

I did those steps.

is it possible to make this work when defraggler is not in the defaul install location? I really like having it run from my memory stick!

is it possible to make this work when defraggler is not in the defaul install location? I really like having it run from my memory stick!

You'll have to edit the .REG files in Defraggler Shell. However; I don't advice having registry settings pointing to a removable device hence just about any run-of-the-mill registry cleaner may and or will deem them invalid.

ok. thanks for the info!

is it possible to make this work when defraggler is not in the defaul install location? I really like having it run from when to take my memory stick!
You're welcomed! :)

Defraggler is by far the fastest defrag program I've ever used, and have since dumped Contig forever!

If you downloaded it before I fixed it, you need to:

1. Re-download it.

2. Run the uninstaller.

3. Run the installer.

The fix details are in the Defraggler Shell pinned topic.

Yes, it realy works, thanks Andavari ;)

The shell works like a charm. However, I would like to request if there could be some kind of logo right beside the shell option because when I right click a single item, the shells (not just Defraggler's) fill up my entire screen.