Defraggler Search Function v2.01.29

The search function seems to find files within Windows 7 applications but not the ones outside those applications.

For example, it will find my WLM emails (*.eml) and *.cab files with (2006*.) but not .DOC files within my "My Documents" folder with file names starting with 2006.

I have tried after analysing the drive first and without, running as administrator and as a user.

Windows explorer can see the files in "My Documents" but the Defraggler search can't.

Is this a bug or am I being a bit naive expecting the search function to trawl through all the files on the selected drive to see if the file name passes the search criteria?

Further investigation indicates that the search function may only trawl fragmented file names.

If this is so, I may have been naive expecting it to trawl all files.

Whilst I understand that Defraggler primarily defrags, the search is so much faster than Microsoft's offering, that a full drive search would be most welcome.

Most other file finders don't seem as professional as Piriform's offering.

Comments welcome.

I can confirm that Defraggler v2.01.239 search function is buggy as described by Crumbley.

I have 2 files in "My Documents" filenames "2006_test_doc.doc" and "test_doc_2006.doc"

Search pattern used was *2006*.doc with "Include non-frang..." enabled and the following was found:

test_doc_2006.doc (but no 2006_test_doc.doc as expected).

Also tried *.doc, .doc, and * for all files but still won't display 2006_test.doc.doc

Richard S.

Thank you for the sanity check Redhawk.

I looked for your "Include non-frang" setting but I couldn't find it. Can you give me a clue?

The only sort of related setting I could find was "Show folder index entries in file list", but again the list only showed fragmented files.

Yes the Defaggler version is 2.01.239.



I was referring to the "Include non-fragmented files" tick box I simply shorten the name in my post, sorry for the confusion.

Richard S.

Thanks Redhawk, now I know the difference between looking and seeing!

It looks as though the problem (issue) is that the "Include non-fragmented files" tick box is maintainable but the list creation code doesn't actually look at it.

Would a member of the Piriform team like to look at the code and let us know if we are right, and if so is this a candidate for the next bug fixing update?



We'll get this fixed :)

Thank you Mr. Ron for such a prompt and positive response.

Any idea of timescales?


