Hi. I'm running defraggler on a 8gb ddr3 i7 laptop win 7 64bit.
The laptop was freezing while analyzing In normal mode so I'm running It In safe mode.
It was 59% fragmented and am wondering If that's the reason It's proceeding so slowly ,defragmenting around 1% / 24 hours.
Memory usage Is around 95%.
How much free space do you have left on the drive, is it nearly full?
It isn't a solid state drive is it?
Can you tell us some more info about how you use your machine normally, gaming? Installing and uninstalling lots of software?
Do you know how much space you have used up by system restore points?
Hi. There's around 380gb free space out of 913gb
The laptop Isn't mine but I do know that It's heavily used for downloading a large number of podcasts from ITunes and movies.
It's a regular HDD drive.
I don't know how much space has been used by restore points and I can't check that at the moment.I can barely start task manager at the current memory usage.