Defraggler performances with Vista


i used Defraggler with a lot of machines since a long time, without problems, but now i consider the performances after defragmentation of my Vista NTFS main hard disk really poor.

I use a 231 Gb hd, available 123 GB. I frequently use Defraggler to optimize performances but, despite defragmentation last at least 2-3 hours, the fragmentation level remains at 42% and at least around 30 to GB fragmented.

Is it normal ? Cannot Defraggler access so many files on Vista machines ? Today before defragmentation i had more than 5000 files fragmented.

Such poor results are never encountered with all the other XP machines i used.

Comment : i use the last Defraggler build.

Is it normal? Cannot Defraggler access so many files on Vista machines?

Without a screenshot I can only guess it's due to a large Sys Vol Info folder, a common complaint. That folder is protected and not defragged by Defraggler or Win Defragger.

Removing some older restore points will lower the frag count but don't expect any performance improvement. GvHMk.jpg

Next time instead of enduring a 2-3 hr defrag do a quickie, should take only secs. or mins. pwtfk.jpg

I thought that CC's sys restore manager removed the reference to the restore points, not the underlying files, so the problem would still remain. It would be better to disable sys restore in Windows, the defrag, then enable sys restore, would it not?

I thought that CC's sys restore manager removed the reference to the restore points, not the underlying files, so the problem would still remain. It would be better to disable sys restore in Windows, the defrag, then enable sys restore, would it not?

On Vista it removes the shadow copies. With every point deleted I see ~1GB in files disappear. (I currently have 9 points totalling 9.96GB.)

Open Defraggler and CC. Start deleting old points one at a time and watch them disappear from the map. Also keep checking the C:\Sys Vol Info folder volume during this action.

Disabling Sys Restore removes ALL points -- not good.

Hi Kroozer,

Regarding this

Without a screenshot I can only guess it's due to a large Sys Vol Info folder, a common complaint. That folder is protected and not defragged by Defraggler or Win Defragger.
, what kind of screen shots do you expect ?

I try to paste the screen shot of the file list, but i don't find how to do it.

Most of the Big fragmented files are store at c:\System Volume Infomation\ and the files have strange hexadecimal names.

This folder is not accessible to me.

The sum of the files reach around 50 GB. gasp !!!!


In text, the biggest fragmented files are :


(C:), NTFS, Capacit?: 231,4 GB, Utilis? : 106,0 GB (46%), Libre : 125,4 GB (54%)


Total size: 46,3 GB, Fichiers fragment?s (709), Total Fragments (4.360)


Filename Fragments Size Path


{dfdf2788-932a-11e0-a89f-f04da27f12d4}{3808876b-c176-4e48-b7ae-04046e6cc752} 23 14889791488 C:\System Volume Information\

{d1932e12-83ac-11e0-9e0d-f04da27f12d4}{3808876b-c176-4e48-b7ae-04046e6cc752} 10 6632857600 C:\System Volume Information\

{2f55f197-85d0-11e0-968b-f04da27f12d4}{3808876b-c176-4e48-b7ae-04046e6cc752} 5 4500553728 C:\System Volume Information\

{3293c3b2-8a89-11e0-a6a2-f04da27f12d4}{3808876b-c176-4e48-b7ae-04046e6cc752} 33 3884646400 C:\System Volume Information\

hiberfil.sys 4 3680342016 C:\

{ba98fec1-7c77-11e0-b0f2-444553544200}{3808876b-c176-4e48-b7ae-04046e6cc752} 4 3670642688 C:\System Volume Information\

{83541f26-804d-11e0-9bc3-f04da27f12d4}{3808876b-c176-4e48-b7ae-04046e6cc752} 11 3499671552 C:\System Volume Information\

{14a62f7d-7d25-11e0-9418-f04da27f12d4}{3808876b-c176-4e48-b7ae-04046e6cc752} 6 2861596672 C:\System Volume Information\

{04d7570d-7f82-11e0-bb90-f04da27f12d4}{3808876b-c176-4e48-b7ae-04046e6cc752} 5 2510516224 C:\System Volume Information\

{04d756a5-7f82-11e0-bb90-f04da27f12d4}{3808876b-c176-4e48-b7ae-04046e6cc752} 2 2162524160 C:\System Volume Information\

{14a62f4b-7d25-11e0-9418-f04da27f12d4}{3808876b-c176-4e48-b7ae-04046e6cc752} 2 1055408128 C:\System Volume Information\

Bonjour. :) Your posting the list of System Volume Information files confirms my suspicion. I see by the size and frags why you have 42%.

I have 22% frag, mostly because of those files:


6-- 2475577344-- C:\System Volume Information\

3-- 1467088896-- C:\System Volume Information\

3-- 1572864000-- C:\System Volume Information\ = Total 5.136 GB fragged SVI (20.4%)


Vista places most Sys Vol Info (shadow files) in the center.

System Restore in Vista uses far more space than in XP.

If in the future you wish to post a screenshot and are not familiar with the process, read my quick & easy tutorial.