When attempting to analyze or defrag my drive using Defraggler, when analysis is complete it immediately says defrag is complete as well, and reports 0% Fragmentation. However, in that pretty display of red and blue blocks, my drive is mostly red blocks, and Windows Defrag reports that its 25% Fragmented. Defraggler will properly report and fix all other drives in and attached to my system, just not the C: Any help in resolving this issue would be greatly appreciated, and if there's any information I can give to make the issue easier to solve, please let me know. Thanks in advance!
Perhaps it may help to know which operating system you are using.
The OS info would help. And it's been previous knowledge that having a bunch of Restore Points on the drive can be the cause.
I'm running Windows XP SP3, and recovery points are currently turned off.
You might try running in Debug Mode. I've never used it so I don't know how well it works but the link gives instructions about how to run it.
I can't see anything in the debug mode log that indicates an error, but then again I don't really know what I'm looking for. I also tried the command-line Defraggler, but anything I tried to do with it just returned "Forcing close..." I don't know if its related or not.
Hmm...it's odd that it works on every drive but C. You might post the error report that was generated with debug mode in the Defraggler Bug Reporting area. It's the first one on the first page.
Hi! I have XP too, and exept Pagefile, almost all files are de-fragmented.
You may have to do with the Services or applications you have running. Could you list the files that are not defragmented?
Clik on the disk map (left click), after analyzing the drive, and you will be shown below in the file list, the files corresponding to that square, and its corresponding size and fragments.
Defraggler isn't listing any files as not defragmented, unfortunately. As far as I can tell, it doesn't recognize that my drive is fragmented at all. I've attached a screenshot of what it looks like after I run a Defrag in Debug mode, hopefully that'll make it a little clearer, as I'm not great at explaining it.
Just out of curiosity if you select the "File list" tab and then click on the red or blue dots does it tell you the filename??
Richard S.
When I click on either red or blue dots, it seems to do nothing. On the "Drive C:" tab, if I click the View Files button it comes up with "No Fragmented Files". Hope that helps narrow things down in some way.
What you say is something strange. After analyze the drive, at least click on the blue scuares should display files in Highlighted list...
Blue scuare

Red scuare

May be free space fragmented. Try right-click on Drive List -> Advanced -> Defrag free space (allow fragmentation).
After I analyze the drive, I cannot click on either the blue or the red squares. It doesn't register that there are any files in any of the blocks. When I mouse over them (as shown in the screenshot) they all say "No files are in the block."
I have the same problem with the Freespace Defrag as well, and this is only happening with my C:\
I run out of ideas, je je. Another suggestion might be, you have disk errors, then the recognition of fragmented blocks fails. Run a Complete ChkDsk ( on disk C:\ ) , it takes much longer, but is the best option. { My Computer --> Right-Click on Drive C:\ --> Properties --> Tools tab --> Check Now button }

Enable two options, and Click Start. Chkdsk prompts you to schedule it for next reboot, answer Yes and reboot. In a 200 Gb disk may be taken 2 hours.
Is the last thing I think.
Damn. Doesn't look like the ChkDsk fixed it. It didn't find any errors in the scan. Well, I'll have to keep poking at it. Thanks for the suggestions!