Defraggler is moving thousands of small files to the end of the disk

My computer is used for Music Production. Therefore, I have hundreds of thousands of small audio files at my hard drive.

I have selected the option to move files larger than 500 MB to the end of the drive, with the options as in the attached picture.

However, Defraggler is moving all my tiny MIDI files that are smaller than 1K, and also small WAV and FLAC audio sample files to the end of the drive.

These files are, precisely, the ones that I need to access at optimum speed, so they better are at the beginning of the drive.

What could have gone wrong?

I am using Defraggler 2.22.995 64-bit


I would also like to know how to redo this. Shall I initiate another defrag without selecting the option to move large files to the end of the drive?


This is indeed a problem/bug in Defraggler. And you are not the only one who has reported this/these bug(s). But CCleaner has (much) users than Defraggler and therefore Defraggler will have to wait until the developers decide they want to spend time fixing (a number of) bugs in the program. Alas. And given the amount of possibilities in the options menu it will give the developers a headache.

If you want to move those files back to the beginning of the drive then you can do the following. Select Settings > Options > Exclude. There you must enter all folders that don't contain those music files. Then select in the main screen Advanced > Defrag Freespace to actually move those files back to the beginning of the drive.

I must add that this "Exclude" option works throughout the entire program. E.g. it also works on the "file list" tab.