Defraggler is already running

I recently updated to the current version of defraggler released on the 4th the previous version was working, and now I get this message, even from a user logout.

I aplogize this problem has been solved, although there should be a more detailed error message, if there is a schedule task.





I recently updated to the current version of defraggler released on the 4th the previous version was working, and now I get this message, even from a fresh reboot.

Message: post-34547-1263039162_thumb.png

Task Manager Before: post-34547-1263039174_thumb.png

Task Manager After: post-34547-1263039184_thumb.png


If it is running then it is running under another process name.

You are not showing "Tasks from all Users". The scheduled Defraggler task DF.EXE is run by SYSTEM and only shows after clicking the "All users". The Defraggler Gui will not run while the scheduled task is running. This point is the subject of a post that I am in the process of editing "Obtaining status of scheduled or background Defraggler tasks".

Regards Stokersson

You are not showing "Tasks from all Users". The scheduled Defraggler task DF.EXE is run by SYSTEM and only shows after clicking the "All users". The Defraggler Gui will not run while the scheduled task is running. This point is the subject of a post that I am in the process of editing "Obtaining status of scheduled or background Defraggler tasks".

Regards Stokersson

So I told a little white lie, I only did a "logout" which restarted all of my other programs, and the problem was still around. So I did a reboot and it actually worked. I suppose I should have check the support documentation, it was one of those things, it was working fine right before that.

In the future if I get this error message, I will be sure to check all processes, never thought to do that.

I find that Defraggler is running, I assume because I scheduled it to run, but it does not run at the time I scheduled it. I have a drive scheduled to be defragged daily at 05:00. Last night I found that df.exe had started around 20:00. Since it was slowing everything else, my only option was to kill the process.

Are there known issues with the scheduler? Any help will be appreciated.



You tried to schedule the execution of Defraggler through the Windows Task Scheduler? Of course, using the command-line parameters for df.exe. Perhaps the Windows Task Scheduler, drive better control over the process Defraggler (df.exe)

Defraggler Command-line parameters

I do not know if the command line also applies to df64.exe, because I do not have Windows x64 and Defraggler documentation does not clarify that.

For test, try run df.exe or df64.exe in the CMD (Start --> Run , and type cmd). In the CMD, type

"C:\Program Files\Defraggler\df.exe" <your Options> and press ENTER
Example: "C:\Program Files\Defraggler\df.exe" C:\ /S


"C:\Program Files\Defraggler\df64.exe" <your Options> and press ENTER
Example: "C:\Program Files\Defraggler\df64.exe" C:\ /S

If you want the task to stop while running df.exe or df64.exe, open Defraggler from Start menu, and will ask if you want to stop the task.

If executed correctly, add a new Task for Defraggler in Windows Task Scheduler.

Go to the Control Panel --> Scheduled Tasks

  • do Right mouse Click --> New --> Scheduled Task

    Put the name: DefragglerC. Then right-click –> Properties (on file DefragglerC) and fill out the fields with the corresponding…

FIELD Run: "C:\Program Files\Defraggler\df.exe" C:\ /S
FIELD Start in: "C:\Program Files\Defraggler"


FIELD Run: "C:\Program Files\Defraggler\df64.exe" C:\ /S
FIELD Start in: "C:\Program Files\Defraggler"

Opening the Scheduled Task, on the Settings tab, you have several very useful options such as Stop Task if running for a certain time.

To schedule a task, you must specify a user (with password protection). If your user has no password protection, then you must specify the Administrator user with its corresponding password. Alternatively you could create a user with password protection in order to fill this role.

  • Tutorial:
How to use the Windows Task Scheduler

I tried to run df.exe schedule and stop in 1 minute, and has done so without problem. I estimate that schedule the task will be the solution for you.
