I noticed that when Defraggler is scheduled to run, it runs the commandline version of Defraggler.
It does so automatically, which is a good thing. However, when it runs, there is nothing to show it is running!
Harddisk activity increases, & the task manager shows DF.exe running, but other than that, nothing visually to show it is doing anything!
Is there a way to add an icon in the tray to show that it is running? Perhaps an icon that shows percent complete, ie, 1%, 2%, 99%, etc, so a user can "keep track" of the fact that defraggler IS indeed running, and that it IS almost finished?
Those 2 things are the most important ones I can think of right now. After all, CCleaner has an indicator icon to let people know it is running in the background. I am not asking for a full on defraggler where you can click it to show defraggler, but at least if they see a Defraggler icon & it shows percentage done, it will be much easier to know what is going on!
Here is what I want in a nutshell:
- Defraggler indicator icon in the system tray when it runs the scheduled scan.
- Percent complete indicated on that icon. (How long do I have left to wait?)
- Right-click gives user an option to pause, or even cancel a defrag (in case user gets in a hurry & has to shut down the pc, but doesn't want kill DF process because of the risk of losing data. Some people have hundreds of gigs. The ability to pause or stop would be wonderful)
- Left-click gives user a message so they do not get confused & think they are running a GUI version of Defraggler. Perhaps it could be like this: "You are running the commandline version of Defraggler. DO NOT shut down the computer, nor kill this process until it is complete to avoid data loss"