Defraggler High CPU Usage After Closing

Running Defraggler 1.21.209 on Windows XP Pro SP3. I've had a situation occur repeatedly where after I shut down Defraggler, it continues to run in the background, chewing up 75-95% of my CPU cycles. I have used Systinternals Process Explorer to watch it do this for several minutes before killing it. Any idea what's going on, or what additional information I can give you to help resolve it?

Running Defraggler 1.21.209 on Windows XP Pro SP3. I've had a situation occur repeatedly where after I shut down Defraggler, it continues to run in the background, chewing up 75-95% of my CPU cycles. I have used Systinternals Process Explorer to watch it do this for several minutes before killing it. Any idea what's going on, or what additional information I can give you to help resolve it?

Defraggler 2.0 is out. Can you test this version?

Tried it with v2.00.230 with the same symptoms. Here are some more details. After running a defrag, I close Defraggler by clicking on the close box in the upper right corner of its window, then I start up Process Explorer. I can see Defraggler using lots of processor, ranging from about 75% to 98%+, for about five minutes. During this time, Defraggler is no longer available in the foreground. (That is, if I ALT+Tab through the running windows, it doesn't show up, and it does not appear on my taskbar.) After about five minutes, Defraggler stops using lots of processor, but remains alive in the background for at least another five minutes. During this time it is using between 3% and 5% of the CPU. I stopped watching at this point and came back about ten minutes later (20 minutes total since I had shut down Defraggler), and found that it was no longer running in the background at all.

This phenomenon seems to happen only when I start a defrag, let it run overnight, then close it in the morning; at least those are the only times I've noticed it. Maybe it has something to do with the date changing between start up and shut down of Defraggler. Maybe it has to do with the fact that the defrag ends sometime during the night, and then Defraggler is just sitting in the background doing nothing for several (or many) hours.