defraggler Health tab: how to read the parameters

Hi everyone,

I bought a new hdd couple of days ago and I was wondering if these parameters are fine. I'm kinda worried about the ones that are in bold. thanks.

1 Read Error Rate 0 200 200 51 0x000000000000

3 Spin-Up Time 3841 ms 143 142 21 0x000000000F01

4 Start/Stop Count 18 100 100 0 0x000000000012

5 Reallocated Sectors Count 0 200 200 140 0x000000000000

7 Seek Error Rate 0 200 200 0 0x000000000000

9 Power-On Hours (POH) 3d 3h 100 100 0 0x00000000004B

10 Spin Retry Count 0 100 253 0 0x000000000000

11 Recalibration Retries 0 100 253 0 0x000000000000

12 Power Cycle Count 17 100 100 0 0x000000000011

192 Power-off Retract Count 10 200 200 0 0x00000000000A

193 Load Cycle Count 7 200 200 0 0x000000000007

194 Temperature 44 °F 99 93 0 0x00000000002C

196 Reallocation Event Count 0 200 200 0 0x000000000000

197 Current Pending Sector Count 0 200 200 0 0x000000000000

198 Uncorrectable Sector Count 0 100 253 0 0x000000000000

199 UltraDMA CRC Error Count 0 200 200 0 0x000000000000

200 Multi-Zone Error Rate 0 100 253 0 0x000000000000

240 Head Flying Hours 2d 23h 100 100 0 0x000000000047

241 Total LBAs Written 793,377,173 200 200 0 0x00002F49F995

242 Total LBAs Read 1,643,819,505 200 200 0 0x000061FAB1F1

Hi hadhad, and welcome to the forum.

I'm not an expert on hard drive SMART parameters so if I have any doubts about a drives performance I look for manufacturer specific software to run tests with.

You don't say the make and spec of your drive but you can probably get a dedicated diagnostics tool from here ...

Hard Drive Diagnostics Tools and Utilities: (Free)

Hope that helps although some of the more techy members may give you an idea as to whether all is in order.

I would still maybe give the manufacturer specific diagnostic tool a whirl though.
