Defraggler has [Yellow] Warning next to health on its report

Hi everyone,

I'm new here and for the past 5 days i've been going through the most trying to figure out what the hell is happening to my harddrive.

I have a:

  • Primary 2TB HDD (works fine) - Has Windows & Downloads only
  • Secondary 2TB Games & Apps HDD (works fine) - Stores most of the games and all of the applications installed on the PC
  • Tertiary 256GB Competitive Games SSD (works fine) - Stores competitive games like LOL and Fortnite
  • Quaternary 500GB Documents HDD (works fine) - Stores documents

and this setup has been working brilliantly for me for the past 4 and a half years now. Honestly this is the longest running setup I've ever had without the need of a OS reinstall or BSODs or any funny things like that.

But since last week the Secondary drive which I think we can agree is the entire storage of the PC (considering everything installed on this PC is hosted there) has become disgustingly slow. This is so bad that when it first started, Windows 10 booting up started taking at least 5 mins longer, of which it used to be about 2 mins MAX. I am waiting up to 7 mins until I'm greeted by the Login Screen. 

Sometimes I wait about 2-3.5 mins before the PC boots up which is significantly shorter but then the Hard-drive in question doesn't show up in explorer at all. But it shows up in device management and in the storage section of computer management as "an uninitialized drive" ... this is beyond frustrating because I then need to turn the PC of.. and reconnect the power and SATA cables and restart again (one time even twice) before the hard-drive comes back readable and online.

I've scanned for viruses and tried defragmenting with the windows tool ... HDD came back clean for viruses and the windows defrag tool window disappeared 24% in and ever since that happened this drive has never been on the list of available drives to defrag. 

I then decided to try the defrag through terminal and then again with powershell, terminal(CMD) immeidately quits the proccess (as if it's done) and powershell blatantly fails without reason (drive could not be analyzed). 

I then did the whole regedit process of switching the MSI value from 1 to 0 and that actually marginally helped.. the hard-drive would now (after restart) cycle between 98% / 99% and 100% as opposed to only remaining at 100% (read).

I checked the resource monitor and there are about 10 max processes that are accessing the drive and at least a billion others (extreme exaggeration in comparison) that are accessing the other drives respectively and the other drives would only hit 100% for a split second and return back to their 3%s.

Which then led me hear to try the Defraggler tool which is the first tool to indicate that there is a problem, however it does not specify WHAT exactly the problem is.

I've tried moving my most important apps and games out of this Secondary Hard-drive to the others but the files and games are obviously massive, a 3GB game took about 5 hours to copy out of that drive, a 15GB game seems to have stalled and has not made any progress at all, it says the move will be complete in "more than a day".

And yes, you guessed it, running any applications / games on this drive launches them (after a massive delay) and they immediately fall into a pit of non-responsiveness that sometimes does not clear until you restart the entire computer. 

So you guys are my last hope, I would like to solve this by not buying a new drive because I'm from Africa and they (brand new Hard-drives (2TB) ) cost as much as my groceries for an entire month (sometimes a month and a half if I'm stressed and eat and sleep less).

If this feedback does not help, and refreshing my windows installation does not help. Then I will be forced to buy a new one, but even at that. Do you guys think I will be able to recover the data and send it to the newer drive ? If I take it to a data lab/center are they able to do that(transfer the data) in a day or at least less than a week ? I'd really rather not deal with a data center cause from past experience with an external that fell they ended up charging me the amount of 2 months of groceries. 

Please see attached screenshots..



Disk Activity.PNG


resource monitor.PNG

task manager.PNG

Windows Disk Fragmenter.PNG

You could either get a second opinion running disk tools from the computer or drive(s) manufacturers, or use something like GSmartControl (freeware). Whatever you choose I'd recommend making a backup or clone of that drive onto another drive of suitable size first because any thorough testing of it with S.M.A.R.T. surface scans ("hard drive confidence tests") could completely kill it.

Something else to look into is make sure the drive is in the preferred and fast DMA Mode, and isn't stuck in PIO Mode. On a modern OS like Win10 it shouldn't get stuck in PIO Mode unless there's something wrong with it such as it's dying. Here's a search for: Restore DMA Mode in Win10